Page 158 of Illicit Heir

"Don't tell me to calm down."

"Listen, angel, ya have to take a breather. She's bringing the baby."

"Then call her right now," I order.

He shakes his head. "There's no contact. Ya have to trust me. She's bringing us the baby."

I continue to fret the entire way to Belfast. The driver speeds down the road. Cars are cut off. Horns blare. A few accidents happen, but we make it in record time and then pull up to a huge mansion.

"Where are we?" I question.

"We're at Alaina and Brody's."

New panic erupts. "Alaina?"

Devin nods. "Aye. She's waiting for us and the baby. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Ya will have our son in your arms again soon."

I stare at him in horror.

Whoever was driving gets out and slams the door. Neither of us move for a moment.

Devin puts his hands on my cheeks again. "I've missed ya, angel. So much."

Tears just fall down my face. I've missed him more than anything. Yet all I can think about is our baby. "Devin, please. We have to get our son back."

He tries to reassure me again. "Everything's going to be fine. You're never going to have to hide anything again. Okay? I'm going to protect ya and our son. I promise ya."

They're the words I dreamed of hearing, but they don't calm me. I blurt out, "But Alaina will take the baby too."

"No, she will not take the baby. It is our baby. My baby as much as yours. She would never do that."

"But my mum—"

"Your mum's an evil woman. She never deserved ya or loved ya the way she should have."

I confess, "She told me ya would take the baby. That the O'Connors would, and that's why I didn't tell ya."

"Shh." He pulls me into him. "Everything's going to be fine. I promise ya, no one's taking the baby."

Fresh tears fill my eyes. "But where is he?"

Devin keeps his voice low, claiming, "Maeve has him. She's bringing him. Just calm down, angel. Calm down."

I can't stop sobbing into his chest.

At some point, he gets out of the car, pulls me with him, and leads me into the house and to a sitting room.

Alaina comes in, and there's a mix of happiness to see her—from old memories—and fear. It's like she can sense it. She stands a good distance away and holds her hands up. "I'm not here to hurt ya, Lauren. We're here to protect ya. I promise."

"Where's my baby?" is all I can ask.

"He's on his way. Don't worry."

"Ya can't trust Maeve."

"We can, and we have. She's bringing your son," Alaina calmly states.

Devin tugs me closer and kisses my head. He repeats, "Everything's fine, angel. Just take a breather."