Caleb scowls in disapproval.
I clear my throat, claiming, "Sorry, I have a lump in my throat," and then repeat the phrase.
The priest continues, "Take you, Caleb O'Leary, to be my forever husband."
My chest tightens, and the air in my lungs feels stale. I repeat the words, "Take you—"
The lights go out.
Caleb releases me, shouting, "What the fuck is happening?"
I step back and immediately look toward where Maeve and the baby are, but everything is pitch black. I back away from Caleb.
He and his brothers shout, and somebody grabs me. I scream, but they put their hand over my mouth. I'm dragged through the church while listening to my son's wails.
The boom of a gun being fired echoes through the church, and I scream, but the hand is still over my mouth, muffling the sound. Something's familiar about the arms around me and the person's scent.
It's Devin.
It can't be. My mind's playing tricks on me.
Confused, I'm led through the church halls, out the door, and shoved into a car so fast I can't register what's happening until it pulls away. It takes me a moment to realize I'm staring at Devin.
It's like he's a ghost. I never thought I would see him again. Never thought I would feel him or be this close, but all my internal alarm bells are going off.
I cry out, "My baby! Maeve has my baby. Please, ya have to find her. Go back. I have to get our baby. It's yours."
"Shh," Devin says and tugs me into his chest. "I know, angel."
Angel. How long has it been since I've heard that?
I push away from him. "Devin, Maeve has the baby. We have to get our son. Ya have a son."
He puts both hands on my cheeks. "I know, Lauren. Don't worry. It's fine."
"It's not fine. She has the baby. We're in the car, and she has the baby. Go back," I hysterically beg.
"She's bringing the baby to us. Don't worry."
"What? She can't. She's an O'Leary under Caleb's command. What are ya doing? Our son will get killed!"
"She came to me so we could rescue both of ya. Just trust me. Our son will be back in your arms. I promise ya."
I insist, "He'll die. She's how Caleb ended up finding me. Ya have to trust me on this, Devin. Please go back. I need to get our son."
"Lauren, she's bringing our son to us. I promise ya."
"Devin, please. Ya don't understand the stuff Caleb has threatened to do to him. Please. We'll never see him if we don't go back."
He declares, "We can't go back, angel. But I promise ya, she's bringing him."
"I don't trust her. What about this do ya not understand? Go back," I cry out.
"Trust me," he says.
But I can't. My baby isn't in front of me. So I push at him. "Please. It's your son. Do ya not understand?"
"Lauren, you're hysterical right now. You've got to calm down."