Page 178 of Wrong Pucking Player

“Ah, I’ve heard that suite specifically is causing problems. DeCosta is this close to suing them for their tardiness when it comes to something rather important. We don’t want anything bad happening due to this suite, so you’d think these multi-millionaire builders would care about being liable.”

“All these organizations and companies care about is filling their pockets. They’re lucky Nurse Andrews has a place to stay, or else, where would she go?”

“Where is she staying at?”

“Uh… I believe she’s staying with Cyrus Jr. It’s only temporary, and I think neither of them minded the rooming arrangement.”

“Because they’re dating, right? It makes sense. If they weren’t comfortable with the arrangement, we’d be paying hefty hotel fees. Everything has gone up because of this initiative. It’s good for Strattonville’s popularity, but I worry it’ll backfire by making this small town unaffordable to many. Hopefully, the players will get some nice advances.”

“Aren’t most of the players on Pincers’ rich?”

“Not at all.” Dakota sounds troubled. “I know you don’t see it on their faces or actions because they act all broody and tough, but a lot of the guys on Saskatchewan Pincers are barely making it in life. Some were even threatened with homelessness if we hadn’t offered them suites. It makes me pray that they do get hefty advances with some negotiating with Winchester on the roster. He’s the captain, so if he emphasizes how much trust he has in the team as one unit, he may be able to get them to give a higher advance to everyone.”

“That would be nice,” Caren notes. “Wait, but why isn’t Cyrus Jr. on the team or even a captain? I thought he was a rising star on the ice for a really long time. His brothers all play.”

“I think it’s a health problem,” Dakota admits. “I’m not sure of the details, but maybe it’s similar to how Armani needs to replenish his body’s liquids before and after a game, only I think it’s more subjective and isn’t as easy to treat. Mr. Champion did mention it’s something manageable, or even curable, but Cyrus Jr insists he’s fine with his position as equipment manager. He said if an opportunity comes for him to join the team in the future, he wouldn’t mind, but I guess he’d rather give someone else a chance.”

“That’s nice, though I feel like we’re wasting good talent. I saw some TikTok on his gameplay when he was in high school and a few in the college league. He honestly looks like he’s better than Winchester.”

“You’re not the first to point that out,” Dakota admits. “We’ll get a good idea of how the season will go with our first game. Until then, let’s do our parts to support them, yes?”

“Yes,” Caren agrees. “Hmm. I just realized Nurse Andrews isn’t here.”

“Oh. Right. That’s why we came to check if she was here.” Dakota gasps as though it dawned on her. “I thought Winchester said she was in the locker room.”

“Winchester doesn’t know shit,” Caren groans. “Hold on. Maybe she texted me.”

“So, you two do get along?”

“Me and Andrews. No way. We just tolerate one another. We have to, obviously. Being fellow team nurses and all,” she argues, but I can tell from the tone of her voice that she’s faking it.

She has to with her underlying role in all of this.

The conversation proves that Dakota isn’t in on what Katherine is doing. I’m excited to learn more about it tonight after contracts are established.

Then again, it depends on how things go. If any of the team members on Saskatchewan Pincers are struggling, this may be their big break.

“My phone was on silent! No wonder why I didn’t hear her text. She said Nurse Johnson was here, so she went to go find her. She’ll probably be back later to change and stuff. You know they’re best buddies.”

“I can see that. Always nice to have a partner in crime with you in life. Makes all the troubles and tribulations a bit easier to tackle, knowing you have one person who will always have your back. My best friends would go to jail for me. I’d never put them in a situation like that, but it’s nice to acknowledge.”

“Hah, I wish,” Caren voices. “I’ve never had a friendship like that. Guess because I’m a bit of a bitch to get to know. My first impressions suck.”

“Now, don’t say that, Caren. Not everyone may be good at first encounters, but true friends can see past the walls we put up to protect ourselves,” Dakota emphasizes. “With you dealing with your ex, I’m sure it was hard to be close to people because you don’t want them getting hurt or involved. Now that’s in the past, so don’t let it stop you from making new connections and friends. Who knows, you may find the perfect set of friends with this internship.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Dakota.”

“Anytime! I’ll leave it to you to find Andrews and confirm next week’s schedule with Dr. Francisco, yes?”

“Certainly!! I’ll get to it.”

“Thank you! Makes my morning easier. I’ll get going.”

“Have a productive morning, Dakota.”

“You as well, Caren.”

The screech of the door opening follows with a shut that leaves us in silence.