“I presume so. She’ll probably be here today since the Vipers are sharing the gym this morning with Pincer Blades. By the way, are we getting rid of the Blade part in the name? I swear there’s a unified vote trending on social media that adding the Blades is unnecessary.”
“They’re making a decision today about that,” Dakota reassures her before she’s sighing. “How are we going to help the Pincers then? Their social reach needs to be stronger, or else they won’t get many sponsors.”
“Armani is rather popular,” Caren reveals, which catches my attention, as I’m sure it does for Oscar. “He got the highest vote of who hockey fans are most excited about.”
“Where did Winchester place?”
“Fourth,” Caren reveals. “Kane and Diesel beat him.”
“Interesting,” Dakota sounds deep in thought.
“Want me to try to capitalize on their popularity?”
“It would be a smart move. I’ve noticed many of the superiors and even a few sponsors have mentioned Armani in a good limelight. He makes a lot of donations to children's hospitals and low-income families struggling with homelessness. He’s the reason why one of the biggest shelters in Saskatchewan wasn’t closed down last year.”
“Wait, really?”
“Mhmm. I’m pretty positive about that one. I don’t think Armani is rich or anything, but he has a strong leadership aura about him. He’s able to delegate and execute plans that flow perfectly when initiated. He planned a whole fundraiser, gathered the sponsors and vendors, and raised enough money to keep that shelter open for another ten years. It’s a crucial event that happened last month. I believe the mayor of the province was going to give him an honorable medal, and they’re setting up a dinner event.”
“That’s absolutely perfect!” Caren sounds pumped. “I can easily gather information on that and make a whole social media campaign. Can even get some of the Pincers involved. What a good way to celebrate one of our own by participating in an honorary event that saved so many from homelessness. I also think it will further Armani’s popularity, which, in turn, will help the team.”
“That would help a lot,” Dakota sounds hopeful.
“Which brings me to ask this. Why isn’t Armani captain?”
I’m intrigued by her question.
“You’re the tenth person who’s asked me that,” Dakota reveals. “That and why Wyatt Cyrus isn’t on the team.”
“That is a trending question.”
“In terms of Armani, we did ask him. Several times, actually. He declined.”
“He declined?!” Caren gasps.
I feel Armani’s body growing tense by the second. Instead of trying to say something and risking us getting caught, I very lightly kiss the nape of his neck—the same place he enjoys kissing me.
For a split second, he’s completely rigid at the touch, but my lingering lips against his feverish flesh seem to loosen all the tension in one soothing wave.
“He said if Winchester is on the team, he’ll never be captain. He’d rather remain a goalie. I know too many who think they’re best friends, but you can see the tension between them. Armani is a team player, while Winchester…”
“Is not,” Caren huffs. “I’ve never seen a captain who’s so selfish. Legacy this. Legacy that. His family wouldn’t have a legacy if his father and grandfather didn’t cooperate with other players to succeed. You can’t do anything in this world alone, but in Winchester’s mind, he thinks he can. I hate people like that.”
“You do?”
“Reminds me of my ex,” she admits. “Typical douche who was selfish as fuck. He reminds me of Winchester, minus his constant temper tantrums. My ex also plays hockey and has the same mindset… ‘I can achieve anything as long as I’m at the forefront and the center of attention. I don’t need anyone to help me.’ I ended up having to get a restraining order on him.”
“A-A restraining order?!”
“Mhmm. Stalker central. He doesn’t associate with good people, so I had to protect myself. We already know that Strattonville police are easily manipulated. If I wasn’t fast enough, he would have ensured he always had access to me. I always worry he’ll want me back again and set me up for failure, but Mr. Champion and the others are well aware of who he is, and Dimitri even has a security program that detects facial and body features of people who are registered as offenders, which includes those who have restraining orders put out against them. Makes me feel safe during this internship.”
“Aww, Caren. You should always feel safe. I’m sorry you need to deal with this. If you’re still worried about safety, I can reach out to Strattonville Gym. They’re going to provide Strattonville Stadium security during home games and during evenings for the players and staff leaving late to the suites. Some players have been dealing with threats and bullying over their sexuality, so we’re escalating things so security will always be available. I believe Leo is the head of that initiative. Do you want me to give you his info?”
“I can reach out to him,” she assures her. “I was just with him earlier. He fell off the ladder this morning doing some repairs in Nurse Andrews’ suite. Had to help bandage him up.”
I’d totally forgotten about that haunted place.
Since my argument with Wyatt, I hadn’t been there since.