“Would I get to stay here if I had my own Daddy?”
“If your Daddy was part of the Ranch, you would. Not in the dorms of course. You’d live with him, but you’d be welcome to use the facilities the same as always. Would you like me to try to find you someone who lives on the premises?”
Master Derek and his wife Sadie were known for being matchmakers. They had a real knack for it, and she’d heard many stories of successful relationships that they’d instigated. And the Littles who had their own caregivers did seem to have more freedom, at least when their own Mommies and Daddies allowed them to. Was there a chance it might solve all her problems?
Was there a Daddy around who would even want her? She wasn’t as much fun as her friends. They seemed to fall into their roles so easily, and once they did, it was like the adult world just washed away. They told tales of pranks and mischief that she could never imagine participating in.
No Daddy was going to want someone who was all over the place and riddled with insecurities and doubt. She wasn’t high-spirited and fun. She was just… Heaven Leigh. And then even if—
“Heaven Leigh.” The sternness in Master Derek’s voice caught her attention and pulled her out of the spiral.
“Y-yes, Sir?”
He pushed a box of tissue across the desk. ‘Your lip is bleeding.”
She had a tendency to gnaw on it when she was anxious, but she hadn’t realized she’d bitten so hard. Her cheeks flushed as she snatched a tissue from the box and pressed it to her mouth. “Sorry, Sir.”
“Unless you object, I’m going to start thinking about a good match for you. I think that’s the best way to give you the flexible structure you need. Is that acceptable to you?”
After a long hesitation she nodded, just once. The idea was scary, but he was right. And if no one wanted her, she wouldn’t be in a worse situation than she was now.
“Excellent.” He reached into a drawer in his desk and pulled out a notepad. With a decisive hand he began making a few notes.
She assumed they were about her, and as tempted as she was to lean forward and try to read the upside-down writing, she decided that was her cue to leave. With any luck she’d be gone before he even thought about punishment.
She was halfway to the door when he cleared his throat. That stopped her in her tracks, and she froze. Icy fingers of dread crept down her back and her stomach clenched as she turned around.
“Did I say you could leave?”
“No, Sir… but you seemed busy, so I thought I’d taken enough of your time for today.” It wasn’t even a lie. She felt bad about being such a bother. Master Derek was a very busy man.
“Well, you’re about to take up some more, because we still have a punishment to take care of.” He stood up and began rolling up his sleeves. “Do you remember what I told you the other day when you were in here?”
Heaven gulped. She did remember, vividly. “You, um—you said next time you weren’t going to be so nice.” Of course, she hadn’t thought he was very nice last time either.
“Right.” He went over to the large implement cabinet in the corner, rummaging around inside. When he turned back, he was holding an oval paddle with the ranch name and logo burned into the surface.
It was thick enough to make her eyes widen. The muscles in her bottom tensed nervously and she swallowed hard. “I-I don’t think you need to be that mean, honestly,” she assured him.
“I think I do. But don’t worry, I’ll be starting off with my hand. The paddle can wait until you’ve been properly reddened.” He was giving the impression that this wasn’t going to be a quick spanking.
He didn’t return to his desk but moved to the armless chair he kept for this purpose. Her eyes followed him but without making a conscious decision, she’d taken a step backward.
“Heaven Leigh, don’t even think about it.” There was iron in the warning, and she stopped.
He took a seat and pointed at the floor in front of him. “Here. Right now, and if you make me chase you, I guarantee you won’t sit for a week. I’ll have you in here every morning for a touch-up reminder.”
There was absolutely no doubt he meant exactly what he said. He’d always been stern, but there was usually more patience, which made her wonder if he really was tired of correcting her for the same issue. She didn’t know any other Littles who’d been punished so many times by him in a week.
Most didn’t get punished by him at all, since the Littles’ Wing had its own adults to handle the basic corrections. Between Nanny J and all the teachers, it was rare that Master Derek had to step in. Of course, her naughtiness hadn’t been confined to the Littles’ Wing and that was the problem.
She moved across the floor, dragging her feet and taking as long as possible to get to him. “I’m really sorry, Master Derek. I promise. Really really sorry.” Her Little side was showing. Being in trouble always did that to her.
“I believe you, but that doesn’t change the consequences of breaking the rules. I’m hoping we can soon get you sorted out. I have some ideas that I hope will help while we look for a Daddy for you, but in the meantime, the rules are still the rules, young lady.”
He patted his thigh. “Let’s get started.”
With great reluctance, she lowered herself across his lap, squirming a little to get comfortable. Her uniform skirt slid up the back of her thighs, leaving them bare and she couldn’t help reaching back to tug it down—a pointless endeavor really.