Page 60 of Nigel

“I don’tunderstand what you see in me.”

“Ava darling, Inever want to hear you say anything like that again.” There wasa hint of impatience in his voice that warmed her heart. “ShallI describe in detail what I see in you?”

“Would you?”

“It is going totake a hell of a long time. You behave tough, but I know better.”


His deep chuckle hadher smiling. “I know you are soft and gooey on the inside. Iwould like to think that I am the one you reveal that part ofyourself. And you care a hell of a lot. You have those adorabledimples that I can sink my fingers into. And your skin, your fleshfeels like silk.

You are beautiful,that much is a given, but the heart of you is what I love the most.You took care of me when you were there for something else. You couldhave refused or insisted I get a doctor. The more time I spend withyou, the deeper I have fallen. It has to be you darling, no one elsewould ever suffice.”

This time, she wasthe one who was silent, and she could feel the tears starting.

“I knew Ishould not have called,” she said huskily. “Now you haveme crying in my office. What is going to happen to my reputation?”She sniffed.

“I love you. Iam working feverishly to wrap things up so that I can be with you. Isthat enough darling?”

“More than.God! Where were you ten years ago?” she whispered tearfully.“Or even five years ago? I am just afraid that we will not haveenough time to spend with each other.”

“Are you goingsomewhere?” he asked her, voice thick with emotions. He clearedhis throat. “Give me a minute darling-“ She heard awhispered discussion before he came back on. “I apologize. I amin a meeting.“

“I wasdisturbing you?”

“You neverwill. Now back to the conversation. We are going to be spending allof our lives together. No time wasted.”

“No timewasted. I love you Nigel, so damn much.”

“Same here mysweet. We will talk later.”

She hung up from himand it took several minutes for her to compose herself enough to getback to work.


But her effervescencedissolved later that day. And she would blame herself for events thatled up to what happened. Jenny had been working for the agency forthe past three years and was seasoned.

The rule was therewould be no one at the houses they were sent to, because it made thejob easier and as there were cameras everywhere, there would be nofear of theft. Not that there was any way that would ever happen. Avaran a clean business and background checks were a must in order foranyone to come on board.

The only exception tohaving someone present was when she filled in for Jane and shethanked her lucky stars that it had happened.

She was in the middleof a meeting when she received the call.

It was approachingend of day when Monica pushed the door open and gestured her out.

“What is it?”

“Jenny is onthe phone.”

Ava glanced at herwatch. “Isn’t she supposed to be done for the day?”

“She is at thepolice station.”


“The phone Ava,she is holding.” Monica hurried over to her desk and picked upthe receiver.
