“I don’tcare about the money. It scares me, if you must know. The entirething scares me. He is in love with me, Dahlia, that is somethingthat is making me wonder. The man can pretty much get any woman hewants and he wants me. We are getting married." She took a deepbreath.
"He is eager forus to get married. And get this- I am hoping I am pregnant. We havenot been using anything and I am hoping that even now I am pregnant.I want a family with him."
She shook her head."The entire thing is crazy. We just met. We have not even beenout on a date. I spent an entire day and night with him when wedecided to blow off work and it was wonderful." She laughedshakily. "He is away on business and I miss him so much that Icannot sleep."
"That iswonderful and I am happy for you."
"Lionel andJeffry are suspicious. We had lunch yesterday and I told them, ofcourse, Kyle already knew. But they are suspicious and are wonderingwhy a man like him would be interested in a woman like me."
"Then they aremorons. You are a beautiful woman, with the loveliest complexion Ihave ever seen, which makes me hate you by the way. The point I ammaking is they are your brothers and both of them still see you astheir little sister."
"I am far frombeing little." She muttered, taking a sip of her juice. "Ihad to set them straight. Nigel will be back the day after tomorrowand I want to plan a dinner so that they can get acquainted and getused to the idea that we are together. But you know I cannot cook,just the basics and I want it to be spectacular."
"So, we do thecatering thing." Dahlia murmured with a wave of one hand."Gabrielle's deliver."
"That's right."
"When are youplanning to have it?"
"Sunday.Hopefully Jeff will be off."
"He is not goingto want to miss it."
“He will notmiss the chance of ganging up on Nigel. I am not going to allow it.”
“I am prettycertain that a man like that knows how to take care of himself.”
“You are rightof course.”
Dahlia glanced at herwatch. “I have already taken up too much of your time and amrunning late for a meeting.” She rose, putting away her cup.“Thanks for the tea and the chat. See you.” With a waveshe was gone, closing the door behind her.
Ava picked up thephone. He had called her this morning and they had spoken at length.But she needed to hear his voice. Before she could change her mind,she dialed his number and was grateful when he picked up.
“I was not sureif I would be disturbing you.”
“You called.”He sounded so pleased that she found herself trembling with relief.“How are you darling? And no, you could never disturb me.”
“I feel like anidiot,” she muttered.
“Why is that?”
“Because I justwant to hear your voice. I have work to do and we spoke this morningor rather this afternoon where you are – but I cannot function-“She blew out a breath.
“Nigel, I haveno idea what is happening to me.”
“Want me tofill you in?” His deep voice was teasing.
“I have neverneeded anyone, the way I need you.” The silence stretched outfor a minute. “Nigel?”
“I am stillprocessing,” he said hoarsely. “You make me so damn hot,that I cannot stand it.”
“If you changeyour mind-“
“How can yousay that?”
“If you cheaton me-“
“I see onlyyou.”