Page 61 of Nigel

“Ava.”The woman’s voice was trembling. “I did not do anything.”


“He attackedme. Mr. Richard – he was there when I got to the house and Iwanted to leave but he said he was going out in a few minutes andwould not disturb me. He tried to rape me and I fought. Now he issaying that I attacked him. And he called the cops and now he ispressing charges.”

“The cameras-“

“He didsomething to them and he is here with his lawyers.”

“I will beright there. Sit tight.” She hung up and sank down on the edgeof the desk. “I took the liberty of calling Mr. Lionel.”Monica told her. “We both know Jenny did not do anythingwrong.”

“It’s herword against that rich prick.” She felt the anger bubbling upinside her. “She should have called when she saw that he wasthere or just simply left.” Shaking her head, she rose to go toher office to grab her pocketbook and her phone.

“Mr. Lionelsaid he will meet you at the precinct.” Monica hurried afterher as she made her way towards the entrance. “Tell her- justtell her we are rooting for her.”

With a nod, Ava hurriedtowards the car park and into her vehicle. Richard Thomas was in hislate fifties and had been through four wives.

He owned an apartmenton Fifth Street and had been with them for the past six months. Hehad flirted with her the day he dropped by to hire the agency and shehad laughed it off. He lived alone and she had made it clear that themaids would be there on the days he was off.

Her fingers tightenedon the wheel as she made the turn off that was going to take her tothe police station. She drove into the parking lot to see her brotherstanding beside his car.

“Thank you forgetting here so quickly.”

“I am a realestate lawyer, but I want to see what we are up against.” Hiseyes scanned her face. “How bad is it?”

“Jenny said hetried to rape her.” She pressed a hand against her jitterystomach.

“Nothing likethis has ever happened before.”

“We will getthrough it. There has to be cameras. Evidence?”

“Jenny saidthey were not on. That he did something.“

“Theinvestigation will figure that out.” Taking her arm, he guidedthem into the blue and white building. “Jeffry is around.”

“I had notthought about calling him.”

“I did.”He nodded to the man hurrying towards them.

“Hey.”Jeffry stared at his sister. “She is pretty messed up sis.”

“He assaultedher.”

“He is claimingthat she was the one who attacked him.”


“Tell me aboutit. Someone is taking her statement. But he wants to press chargesand he is also claiming that she stole from him.”

“That miserableson of a bitch.”

“He also wantsto sue the agency.”

She dropped back andstopped, her anger intensifying. “For what?”

“Jenny has acriminal background.”

“No, that’snot true.”