Page 188 of Devoted

Maria brings her arm up to point her gun in Eva's face.

She pulls the trigger. I avert my gaze as Eva’s body drops to the floor.

I shake my head, the pain I feel only for Rosa.

I keep my expression unaffected as Maria drops down to one knee next to me. Blood pools on the floor from the hole in Eva’s skull.

“I can’t wait for Rosa to see that.” She smiles excitedly.

Her warm breath hits against my lips, making me want to throw up the contents of my stomach.She licks her shiny lips, her gaze roaming my face, and swipes the moisture from my forehead.

The bloodstained water on her fingertips, she tips her head back slightly and licks her finger clean.

I screw my face up in disgust.

“Mmm.”She licks her lips and brings her nose to mine. My heartbeat hammers in my ears with the frustration of being so close to her and not being able to kill her.

As she leans in to kiss me, I tip my head back and smash it forward, hitting her square in the nose.

She gasps, blood gushing from her nose. I can’t help but smile as her hands cover her face, the crimson seeping through.

The men all rush to her side as she stands.

“I think it’s broken,” she shrieks.

A big bald guy storms towards me. I brace myself as he pulls back his fist and sends my head bouncing off the wall behind me. Pain sears through my cheekbone. I do my best to shake the pain away, blinking back the stars in my vision.

The metallic twinge of blood swirls around my tongue, and I spit it straight onto his black shiny boot.

He grunts and kicks me in the ribs, slamming my body against the concrete. I grunt out in pain as he does it again. My ribs crack under the force of his boot.

“Fuck you,” I choke out. Clenching my fists and tugging on my chains doesn’t relieve the stabbing agony in my side.

“Where is Dante?” he grunts in a husky Italian accent.

The asshole behind him with the slick back ponytail watches as Maria gets patched up in the corner.

“Difficult to say. I guess, in a way, he’s everywhere.”

Maria looks over, blood still dripping from her nose. She storms close and grabs my throat, her nails sinking beneath my skin. “Give me my brother’s body, you monster.”

She drags her nails deep beneath my flesh, all the way down the column of my throat. I tip my head back and bite back the urge to scream at her.

When she gets to the base of my neck, she stops, keeping her claws in me.

“There is no body, Maria.”

Hurt flashes across her face before she quickly rights herself. With a murderous glint, she pulls a flick knife from her bra and brings the blade up.

I gulp as she plunges the blade into the side of my abdomen. “Fuck!” I roar out.

She rips the knife out and my body sags. Holy shit, it hurts. I look down at the blood trickling out from my side and breathe through the pain, just like Rosa taught me.

“Stitch him up. I need to get hold of Daddy.”

Sweat beads on my forehead. The physical pain is one thing, but the panic I’m feeling by being chained here and not being able to protect Rosa is all I can think about.

A loud explosion shakes the walls. I bite back a grin. They took their damn time. I already have a stab wound, an injured dick and a dead sister-in-law.