Page 189 of Devoted

The familiar sound of gunfire has Maria’s eyes going wide.

“What is going on?” Panic is clear in her voice.

They truly had no idea of the size of our organization. They might hold the power in Italy, but here, we rule.

Ponytail and crew head out of the door.

“Like that’s going to stop them. It’s over Maria,” I mutter.

Her eyes flash with anger and she storms towards me. “It isn’t. Your men can’t compete with ours.”

“Let’s see shall we,darling?”I mock.

Adrenaline floods through my body, dulling the pain from my stab wound. Although, with the amount of blood still trickling out, they need to move quickly. She swipes up her blade from the floor, and I let out a roar as she plunges it into my stomach. The pain sears like fire as she rips it back out.

She stands, her eyes fixing on the blood pouring from me, and shrugs. “I think that means I win.”



Icrouch behind Grayson as we approach the parking lot to the warehouse. My ears ring from the gunfire.

He doesn’t turn. “You ready? You cover behind, we take it straight through the middle. Our guys will hold them back. We have to get in there as quickly as we can.”

“I’ve got you,” I say, gripping the gun in my hand tighter.

He nods and motions to move forward.

We stay low and work our way around the wall that opens before us in complete and utter chaos.

Bodies are dropping to the ground. I follow behind Grayson, who’s firing out shots left, right, and center with complete precision each time.

A guy launches himself at me from my left. I swing my arm across and shoot him in the stomach, kick him in the chest, and put a second round in his head.

Just another day at work.

Grayson beats open the warehouse door while I cover him. Our guys are doing a good job of keeping them back.

“Let’s go,” Grayson calls out behind me. I walk into the warehouse and close the doors shut behind me.

As Grayson is scoping out the first row, I keep my sights aimed in front of me. He points to my right and I nod. Keeping my feet light, I check between each aisle of wooden crates stacked until I reach the end, where Grayson is waiting for me.

A door swings open behind him, catching my attention. Two guys burst through. “Behind you,” I shout. I’ve already aimed and am pulling the trigger at the first guy. Grayson wipes the second out with a clean head shot.

Damn, he’s fucking good.

My guy doubles over, clutching at his chest.

I pull the blade from my boot and grab him by the hair, tipping his head back to expose his throat. I slash across from one side to the other, watching as his life drains out of him.

I can’t explain the pleasure I get from watching someone pathetically gasp for their last breath.

I let go, and he thuds to the ground. Grayson is already smashing down another door with his foot.

“It’s blocked.”

“They’re in there, then. Come on, put your back into it, Grayson.” Excitement dances through my veins. Everything is falling into place.