Page 87 of Distance

“I love you, Princess,” I whisper over and over again, praying with all I have she can hear me, that she can feel me.

The realization forms a pit in my stomach. I know what I have to do, no matter how much it will rip my heart out.



My eyes flutter open and it takes a moment for the blurred bright white room to come into focus. A persistent annoying beep repeats in my ears.

Shit, where am I?

I feel as though I am floating on clouds, my body numb, bar the warm tingling covering my left hand. I can barely swallow. My throat is so dry. Letting out a small cough sends shooting pains through my ribcage.

Jesus Christ, was I hit by a bus?

Panic rises in my chest. I keep blinking in an attempt to clear my vision. I need to see so I can calm down. Images of Jamie standing over me, grinning sadistically fill my mind. Ropes burning into my wrists. My arms pinned behind me. The cold blade.No, no, no please don’t let him be here.

“Baby. Sienna!” The ragged voice I instantly recognize booms to my left. I don’t have the strength to turn my head, but I know he’s here. I know he’s the warmth I feel around my hand.

“She’s awake. Someone! Fucking get in here and help her for fucks sake!” he bellows.

Always my protector.

His blood-shot eyes stare back at me, pure panic and guilt etched across his features. His face provides some relief from the bright clinical lights burning my eyes.

“Champ,” I barely manage to croak out.

“Shh Princess, it’s okay. You’re okay.” His voice shakes as he talks.

Knowing he’s here brings me instant calm, the white walls, the beeping, and his panicked face. I’m in the hospital.

“Ah, Sienna, you're back with us, Dear. How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?” a neutering female voice questions as I scan the room to pinpoint where she is. By the glass door, I spot a small middle-aged lady with thick black-framed glasses and a jet black razor-sharp bob. A stethoscope snakes around her neck, covering her white cloak. She gives me a smile as she walks over.

“I-I” Letting out a cough, I try again.

“I feel numb,” I croak. “What-what happened to me?”

“You were brought in two nights ago after the attack. You sustained a nasty head injury which caused slight swelling on the brain. We’ve kept you here in intensive care to monitor the swelling, which I’m pleased to report has significantly reduced. You do, however, have two broken ribs and some nasty bruising on your arms and legs, and stitches on the cuts on your abdomen.”

I hear her words, but can barely focus on what she is actually saying.

“So, I’m going to be okay?”

“We want to keep you here for a few more days to monitor the swelling on the brain. As you have been dipping in and out of consciousness, we want to monitor to watch for any bleeds or further swelling. In the meantime, we will keep you propped up with painkillers to alleviate some of your discomfort. Run some further blood tests just to keep up on your vitals. Before we can think about discharging you.” She speaks, barely moving her gaze from her clipboard.

“For now, we need you to rest and recover here. Your knight in shining armor could do with a break. He hasn’t left your side since you were admitted.” A smile forms on her lips as she speaks, nodding towards Keller perched next to me, gripping my hand so tight it’s as if he thinks he’ll lose me if he lets go.

“Thank you, Doctor.”

“Great, get some rest and I’ll be back on my rounds in an hour to check on you.” Moving the clipboard from her face she offers me a soft smile before leaving.

I stare at the door, wracking my brains to piece together what happened. Jamie’s voice taunts me.

“This is what you get for being a fucking whore, Sienna. I told you to come back to me, but you wouldn’t listen. I can’t wait for Keller to see you like this. Like the pathetic, useless bitch you are.”

I remember him throwing me across the room like a rag doll; the men shouting at him to stop as he continued to kick me in the torso, over and over again. Each blow exploding pain throughout my body. I remember wanting to save my baby, the heartache that I couldn’t, almost killed me.

“Sienna? How are you feeling, Baby?” Keller’s soft voice brings me back to him.