“When she grabbed herself,” she says, gesturing around her chest. “And talked about boobs.”

I am now more lost. “What about this?”

“I guess I’m just hoping it didn’t make you uncomfortable or confused? I don’t know what your people’s anatomy is like, or if you’re modest about your bodies so…”

“Aprixian and hu-nim bodies are quite similar,” I inform her. “Our females do not have breasts as yours do, unless they are carrying young. We have hard exteriors to prevent injury, and having softness around the chest is not safe. It is muscle for most of their lives, only shifting when necessary.”

“Huh,” she says thoughtfully. “So that’s why you’re bulletproof then? It’s a part of your anatomy?”

“This is true.”

“So you don’t have, like, a biological urge to see breasts then? Or is it even more intense for you? Like some kind of instinct to find child-bearing women attractive?”


She senses my puzzled mind and clarifies. “When human men are attracted to women, it’s thought that they unconsciously find traits attractive because of their need to further the species. Big breasts, wide hips, that kind of thing.”

I do not think that Stee-vee’s breasts are large, and I find them plenty attractive. In fact, I do not think that B’rook and Meg-ham are nearly as alluring as Stee-vee and they have much more prominent ta-its. I decide that hu-nims may be influenced by some confused biological voice in their minds, but I will not be. Stee-vee is by far the most desirable female I have ever laid my eyes upon.

She is fragile and may faint at the sight of predators; she is not what an Aprixian woman capable of bearing offspring looks like. I am glad for this. She is perfect all the same.

“My mind does not work that way,” I tell her simply. I do not believe she is ready to hear my many thoughts on her beauty.

“Oh,” she says, her face becoming shy. “That’s cool.”

I believecoolmeans good rather than cold, but I cannot check, as we are interrupted.

“Hey,” a gentle voice approaches, “Marrec, do you mind if I steal Stee-vee for a minute?”

I do mind, but I pretend I do not. “Take your time,” I say, leaving the females to their privacy.


Pepperwort: An annual herb used as salad ingredient and or garnish.


“Can I talk to you really quick?” Sarah asks, looking over her shoulder quickly to confirm we are alone.

My forehead crinkles as my eyebrows lift at the serious expression on her face. “Of course, what’s up?”

“I’m going to be leaving with Rem in a bit. He’s taking me on a trip for a while.”

What?“He is?”

“Uh, yeah,” she confirms, intertwining her fingers in front of her stomach. “So this will probably sound a little ridiculous, but apparently I’m his mate?”

At my stunned expression, she nods. “I don’t really understand it, but his people have soul seeds, and they tell them when they’ve met their one perfect match. It’s a gift from their goddess, he says. Anyway, if we want to get rid of it, I have to go with him on ade-mating journey.”

“Holy shit,” I murmur. “And you want to get rid of it?”

Now she looks stunned. “You wouldn’t?”

“I have no clue,” I say honestly. But then I think of Marrec. I like his company more than I’ve liked being near any other man during my twenty-two years. What would being his mate be like?

The thought of his fruitless romantic life on Aprix makes my heart strain in my chest. I don’t think I could ever take a mate bond away from him, and I know absolutely nothing about it. It could entitle him to all of my vital organs, and I wouldn’t have a clue. Rem seems like an absolute sweetheart, but of course I can’t fault my friend for being weary of these strangers. It has only been three days of knowing them; it hardly seems like wedding bells should be ringing.

“It could be an adventure,” I add, trying to lift her obviously dimmed spirits. Sarah has been noticeably less and less happy as the months have gone on. She is not the kind of girl who wants to live in the middle of nowhere, doing nothing but trying to survive. I don’t think that she’s spoiled, necessarily. Though, she probably wants to be. I mean, who doesn’t? It’s not luxury that would bring a true smile back to her face, but some simple pleasures would go a long way for her. An iced coffee with a chocolate croissant or some sushi in place of the canned tuna fish we have available.