Rem hoots with laughter. “PLEASE, let me tell this story as well.”

Their voices fade away as I step onto the craft, the cool air greeting me with a breeze as the doors whip open. I pause, reaching out a hand to help Stee-vee step up. She takes it, her cheeks turning pink as our hands seal together.

We’re silent as I lead us to the seating room, a meow from Ch’ta interrupting the quiet.

“You did not need to check on me, Stee-vee,” I finally say, gesturing to the couch for her to sit. “I am fine on my own.”

“I know,” she murmurs. “I wanted to come anyway.”

My chest becomes warm at her words. She desires to be in my presence, even if I am strange to her. She understands very little about me or my people, and still, shewantsto be near me.

Peering at me, she asks, “You really gave up all your money for your planet?”

I nod stiffly. “I did not need it.”

“Still,” she whispers. “It is a noble thing to give all that you have to others.”

My lips tug on the sides. “Not all,” I tell her. “I have my home, my gardens, and my body. I do not need the endless riches from my fighting. I am given the most fulfillment living in a safe and prosperous planet. It is the only thing that makes me feel complete, having seen the horrors I have seen.”

Water glimmers down her cheeks. “That’s very sweet, Marrec. I’m sorry that you had to see so much violence to find your peace.”

“I am sorry that your planet is dying,” I say in return. “It is not a sight many live to see.”

“It’s… okay.” She blinks, her lips twitching down. The expression does not last long on her face. I understand that Stee-vee does not wish to discuss her sadness. “So, you like plants, right? I can show you the garden here tomorrow if you like? I built it so…”

My chest becomes even hotter at the suggestion. “I would like that.”

She smiles so brightly. “Okay, cool. I could tell you about the cool plant places on Earth, if you wanted to check any of them out while you’re here.” She bites her lip nervously. “I’m not sure how many of them would be ruined by zombies.”

“We have sensors for this on the ship,” I say. “I could tell you about how many zombies are in any location.”

She swallows, eyes becoming large. “Wow, really?”

“It is an easy task.”

“So, theoretically, we could go anywhere if we used the tool to check it out and make sure it’s safe first?”


“So, if I asked, maybe you’d want to take me somewhere?”

“If it would please you,” I tell her.

Stee-vee bites her lip, suddenly shy. “Well, I kind of want to go to this book store. And maybe we’d look for some wine? The girls would probably be bursting with smiles if we could find any.”

“If you can give me locations, I can take you to find these books andwine, yes.”

“I think we just became best friends,” she says, face smiling warmly at me. “What do you think?”

“I think yes.”

Her laughter pours like soft rain. As if her mind summons a thought, her smile is smothered by her teeth sinking into her lip. “About what Megan said earlier…” She trails off, almost willing me to speak for her, but I am lost.

“About Snoo-Kee?”

Her head sways. This is about something else.

“I am unsure what you are wanting to speak of, Stee-vee.”