“Very well,” Mitch replies. “Follow me downstairs. If you’re quick. I need to get Lucinda to the airport.”
“I’ll wait in your car. I need to make a few calls,” Lucinda says.
“I’ll come,” Aunt Mimi gets to her feet. “Goodbye for now, Lucinda. I might reach out in ten years for another night spent with your wand.”
Lucinda smiles. “You’d be welcome to spend a weekend with me at my home. Do not share information about the function of my wand and I’ll extend that invite to the rest of you, too. Best wishes, Mimi.”
“Meet you outside,” I say to Aunt Mimi and Ronnie, then get up. “Until we meet again, Lucinda.”
“Accurate,” she replies with a warm smile. “I have the feeling you will make an excellent council addition when the time comes.”
“I want to make up for lost time with Riley. Have a family. Start a business. Heal. Flourish.” I shrug.
“When you’re ready, contact us. Though we might reach out before then.”
“Try and wait at least eighteen to twenty years,” Riley speaks up. “We have a family to make and raise.”
Lucinda smiles and it seems genuine. “Until next time. Farewell.” She waves and walks out.
“What are we doing now?” I ask. “Head back to our place?”
Vivi, Dani, and Jessie rise.
“We have a few errands,” Vivi says. “Can we catch up a little later?”
“Oh. Okay,” I say.
“I’ll call you in a bit,” Vivi says and hugs me.
“It’s over,” I whisper.
“I hope so,” she replies.
“Do you have doubts?”
“Not doubts,” she says carefully. “But something is brewing. I don’t know if it’s about you, about Grey and the problems he’s having, or something else. But something’s in the air.”
“Might just be residual energy from last night,” Jessica offers.
“Maybe,” Vivi says warily. “Talk to you in a bit.”
I hug Jessica and Dani and head for the door, seeing Riley standing outside talking to Tyson.
Once I get outside, Greyson’s mate Stacy is behind me. “Erica?”
I turn.
“I have to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
She looks worried.
“The witch my brother Wyatt was using to help him… she ran away. That’s one of the reasons he tried to have you taken.”
“Yes,” I say, waiting for her to elaborate.
“Her name is Aphra Starling.”
My eyes widen.
“You know her?” Riley asks. He and Tyson are both facing us now.
“No,” I say.
“I do. She didn’t want to help us, but Wyatt held her hostage. Forced her. She ran away,” Stacy tells us, “but in case he finds her and because of what that woman said in there about the Starling coven, I wanted you to know.”
“Thank you, Stacy. I’m glad we know that. Be back, Riley,” I rush back inside to go down to Aunt Mimi and Ronnie. I want us to put a protective lock spell on that wand right now. Just in case.
I’m so relieved that we’re past things with the SCC. I’m finding it strange that I’m now someone they want to work with instead of being someone they want to punish.
I’m doing some more organizing of my stuff while Riley is in his office in the garage with Mason, talking about their work. It’s going to be interesting getting into a routine. Him working. Me doing my thing. Starting that business if I can make it happen.
I have lived lean in Marblehead with my family and between helping with the family businesses between Drowsy Hollow and Marblehead along with selling some of my art here and there, I’ve saved myself a nice little nest egg.
It could very well get me started with my garden center idea. Me and my new mother-in-law will be talking about it in a couple days. She says she’s got some money aside to seed into it too and she’s trying to make it clear it’s my baby, I’m in charge and she just wants to be part of it in whichever way makes me happy. And that thought makes me smile.
It’s odd being here in Riley’s house by myself. Partly because reality is still penetrating that this is my home, too. But also because it’s my birthday and there hasn’t been any fanfare. At all.
I have all I’ve ever wanted – Riley. And Aunt Mimi is healthier than she’s been in years, so that’s another plus after the fears we had last night. So, I’m feeling a bit guilty that I also feel a teensy bit pouty about it being almost three o’clock in the afternoon without getting a happy birthday from any members of my family.
I haven’t heard from them since the town hall five or six hours ago and none of them even wished me a happy birthday this morning. Granted, our focus was Aunt Mimi, and we were all still shaken up from the events of the night before, so I didn’t even think about it again until we got back after the town hall meeting, but it’s been hours and… crickets. Either I remind them it’s my birthday or let them fail at my birthday and then they all feel guilty about it later.