Riley says, “We’ll arrange round-the-clock security to watch the building.”
“That’s not likely necessary. She’s not going anywhere,” Lucinda replies, but then adds, “Although that wand needs to go to our archives in Bucharest, so a separate transport needs to be arranged for it and I wanted to ask for assistance with that.”
“You can’t take it with you?” Tyson asks.
Lucinda shakes her head sharply. “I don’t want it anywhere near me, especially after last night. I want no waters clouded because Aviva and I traveled here together and worked together seven years ago on Erica’s case.”
“If you never have it in your possession, you’ve got no shadow of suspicion on you,” Greyson guesses.
“Yes. But not just that. Power is intoxicating. Especially dark magic. I go out of my way to avoid temptation. I don’t even want to set eyes on it again. My advice to any witch in this room is to stay away from it as well.”
“Don’t wanna go all Gollum from Lord of the Rings?” Mitch jokes.
Lucinda looks at him like he’s an ass for a brief moment before replying, “Something like that.” And then she turns back to us. “It’s a serious responsibility to make sure it gets there, and I recommend at least two escorts. Perhaps one from the coven and one from the pack. I also recommend a spell to protect it in a lock box. I can do it if the coven prefers not to.”
“I’m taking a vacation in Greece next month. I don’t mind doing a detour to Bucharest on the way,” Danica offers.
“I’ll go with her,” Jase states. “We’ll keep it under guard here until then.”
“Fuckin’ Jase,” Riley mutters under his breath.
“Unless you’re mated by then,” Tyson adds.
“Yeah… uh… unless that,” Jase mutters, looking pale.
“We’ll make sure Danica has a shifter escort,” Riley offers.
“I’ll leave that with this group giving you the responsibility for it. You’re willing to take that on? To be personally responsible for it until it’s handed over?”
“Yes,” Dani confirms.
“Mimi, would you be able to put a lock on it? Or would you like me to do it?”
“I’ll do that,” Aunt Mimi replies.
“Right. I have to say this is preferable to sending it via courier. We do use a service that transports important artifacts, but there’s a familial connection to Aviva at that organization, so I’d rather not use it. That wand has the potential to be dangerous, particularly if another Starling coven witch gets their hands on it. Other than all that, I might need testimony if I’m called to answer for last night’s events. If I do, I’ll be in touch, or you’ll get a subpoena. If any of you need me, please reach out.” She moistens her lips and then her eyes are on me. “Erica?”
Riley wraps his arm around me protectively.
“Yes?” I reply.
“On behalf of the SCC, I apologize to you and to all of you for what Aviva tried to do last night. If I had any idea whatsoever, I would’ve stopped it. I’ve known her thirty-five years. I know her well. I would never, in a million years, have expected this.”
“I believe you,” I say.
“And that said, my door is open to you or anyone here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help with anything. I know the SCC will not hesitate to reach out to you for help and that goes both ways. Don’t be afraid to utilize us. We have a large team of experts on all things supernatural. I hope you’ll all look on us favorably despite last night’s events. That was definitely out of the norm.”
Riley scoffs and I know he’s still holding a grudge. I squeeze his hand.
“We always do what we can to help,” Aunt Mimi replies. “And we appreciate the offer of help in return. But the SCC will need to put effort in to cultivate a relationship with Greyson and my nieces if they want a reciprocal relationship.”
“We intend to,” Lucinda says. “We have resources at your disposal if you need them. I’ve been advised to issue a stern warning to you, Erica, about conducting yourself within the guidelines of our treaties. But I already know I don’t have to deliver that warning to you.”
“No, you don’t,” I confirm, looking into her eyes.
“Good,” she says softly, then she hands Greyson a business card and extends one to me. “Call any time. Erica, or any of you. Young family: there is an alternative to Aviva’s witch retreat held in Ireland every year for Samhain. I can arrange invitations since the Albania option is now off the table.”
“We’ve got an assignment at that point,” Vivi advises, “Perhaps next year.”
“Can I see the body?” Ronnie asks.
The room goes quiet.
“Why?” Mitch asks.
“I just want to ascertain that this is over,” my sister replies softly. “Psychopically. I need to touch her. For peace of mind.”