Page 54 of Blindsided

I knew my eyebrow rose at Tory’s response, but my face must have shown my thoughts better than I’d thought because Brax began to laugh. “Oh damn, I needed that.” He was still smiling as he stood. “Come on, Trev. Let’s leave them alone. I don’t think they need more of an audience, and it’s lunchtime.”

Trevor grabbed Brax’s hand readily. “I’m starving.” They were in the hallway when Trevor’s head popped back into my doorway. “Do you need anything while we’re out?”

I almost asked them to pick me up something for lunch, but Lincoln spoke first. “Nope. I’ve got lunch coming. Should be here by the time his haircut is done.”

They were gone, and I accepted my fate, hoping that without distractions, Tory would finish quickly and I could actually tell Lincoln what I’d been trying to tell him since before Brax walked in.

It took way longer than I’d have liked, but thirty minutes later, hair damp and with a lingering sweet scent, I was finally alone with Lincoln.

“Come here.” I opened my arms and enjoyed how Lincoln melted into me. The contented feeling still surprised me as I’d never been much of one to want to cuddle or hold a lover close. Then again, Lincoln had never been just a lover. Even in college, he’d been the love of my life. We were older now, though still figuring out our places in the world, and the affection and love I felt for him was different than in the past yet still there and growing by the day.

Lincoln nuzzled into my neck and hummed. “I really like the smell of whatever stuff Tory used on your hair.”

Of course he did. It was probably three times more expensive than anything I had in my house, and I swore I smelled like a flower shop.

Lincoln studied me closely. “You look way more stressed than you should after a haircut.”

“Because I had an office full of drama for nearly an hour.”

“Tory wasn’t here for that long.”

“No, he wasn’t. Brax was here first.”

Lincoln gave an adorably puzzled look. “Brax doesn’t strike me as dramatic.”

“He’s not usually. Not until his dads drive him insane.” I pecked his cheek. “Now, I think you said something about lunch and I have something to tell you.”

We walked to the front of the building to meet the delivery driver, then took our meals to a conference room. “What did you want to tell me?” Lincoln asked after a few bites of his sandwich.

I swallowed my bite of the deli sandwich he’d ordered me. “I got a call from Alice at DASH. She wanted to let us know our memberships were approved.”

The look that crossed Lincoln’s face was part desire, part anxiety. “Oh,” he said after a beat longer than I’d have liked, his voice barely a whisper. I’d have been more concerned if his pupils hadn’t dilated and he hadn’t been wiggling in his chair.

I leaned forward, resting my elbows against the conference room table. “I thought you might like to go check it out soon. I think the office would be a great place to start at. Would you want to be my secretary who wasn’t paying attention? Or maybe my boss who was being unreasonable and needs a reminder of what happens to bad bosses?”

Lincoln had stopped eating and had been nodding his head since I’d mentioned the office space. “Yes. Fuck, yes, please.”

I dropped my voice. “That wasn’t an answer. Who will you be?”

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing hard with the action. “Oh, oh shit. Either. Both. Fuck, so hot.”

“Hmm.” I tapped my chin, thinking about what I’d like to explore first. Truthfully, both options were hotter than hell and I wouldn’t mind letting each one play out. Lincoln didn’t want to hear that from me. He wanted me to make a decision for him, so I thought for another few seconds. “I think taking my boss’s pants down to spank his ass until he’s begging me to stop would be perfect for the first time. I know you liked the ruler you saw when we toured. Your ass would be so red and tender when I finally decide you’ve been punished enough.”

Lincoln bobbed his head. “Y-yes. That.”

“It would sting and burn so good as I slid into you.”

Lincoln gave up all pretense of eating his lunch and put his sandwich down in exchange for gripping the table. I knew he was trying not to grope himself, and I was going to have to reward him for that very soon, just not yet.

“Should we keep the door open so other people can see how much you like it?”

I watched Lincoln’s pupils dilate more at the mention of an audience. He let out a squeak and had to clear his throat before an actual thought formed. “Y-yes. Want that.”

So did I. So much.

We were going to have to make it to DASH sooner rather than later. For the time being, I needed to get my needy man to my office so I could shut the door and give him a reward for not touching himself without permission.

“Such a good sub you are.” I stood and disposed of our half-eaten lunches. “I think you deserve a reward for not touching that dick when I know you’re hard in your pants.”