Lincoln only whimpered at my declaration.
I took his hand to help him to his feet, then led us down the hall and into my office. As I shut the door, I placed a finger over my lips. “I’m going to give you a reward, but you’re going to have to be quiet. These walls aren’t very thick.” I glanced at the clock on my wall. “And you only have twenty minutes until your next meeting, so you’ve only got ten minutes.”
He gave a long exhale. “Yes, Sir.”
Without another word, I set to work opening his pants, then sank to my knees in front of him. As my mouth closed around his dick, Lincoln threaded his hands into my hair and grabbed on. My hair was going to be a mess for the rest of the day, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I had my boyfriend’s cock in my mouth and could taste his precum on my tongue. Sex hair was the least of my concerns.
“How’s it feel?” Bodhi asked over my phone screen. “Your roster’s as set as it can be until after training camp. You’ve secured the needed funding for the season. And according to your texts yesterday, Daisy says you have a passing knowledge of the game now. Oh, and let’s not forget, you’ve got a sexy-as-sin boyfriend too.”
Easton heard her as he continued getting ready for the evening. “Thank you!”
Bodhi rolled her eyes but was all smiles. “Happiness looks good on you, Lincoln. I’m glad you two decided to work shit out.”
My smile was so big my cheeks hurt. “Thanks. I’m happy too.” Happy enough that we were talking about going to the league and letting them know about our relationship. The start of the season was just over a month away, and neither of us wanted our relationship status to overshadow the team Tom and Easton were working so hard to create.
No matter how sexy the visit to DASH sounded, in the last two weeks I’d been lucky to see Easton before falling asleep. He was putting everything he had into coaching plans and making sure the start of the season was as strong as possible. However, Tom and Leo had plans tonight, so Easton had made it home before six and was dead set on getting to DASH.
He’d taken a shower so short it was record-breaking and was now getting ready to go as I chatted with my best friend.
“How’s everything else going there?” Bodhi asked. The topic of conversation the last few calls we’d been able to speak for any length of time had been about me finding friends in the area, so I knew she was really asking if I’d made friends.
“It’s going. You’d love Tory. He’s basically you, but opposite.”
She laughed. “That makes absolutely no sense.”
I laughed too. “Okay, he’s you. If you were a man, wore skintight, bright clothing, and drank five times the coffee.” Truthfully, I’d never seen Tory drink coffee. His energy might have been completely natural. If that was the case, I didn’t know if I was jealous or felt sorry for someone with that much energy.
“That sounds like a nightmare.”
“I know. I can’t imagine having two of you in the same room,” I said, my tone deadpan.
It took about a second before Bodhi gasped in mock offense. “Asshole!”
I was laughing too hard to apologize and would have kept laughing longer if a call from my mom hadn’t popped up on the screen. “Fuck. Bodhi, I gotta go. My mom’s calling.”
Bodhi groaned. “Godspeed. Justifiable homicide, my friend.”
Easton had already stepped out of the bathroom and was standing in the doorway, a towel around his waist and his hair wet and unstyled, by the time I’d finished telling Bodhi goodbye. “You don’t have to answer that.”
I glanced at the phone. “Oh yes, I do.” If I didn’t, my phone wouldn’t stop ringing and when she finally got a hold of me, I would be lectured about how rude it was to miss her calls. I took a deep breath and placed the call on speakerphone. “Hi, Mom. I was just about to head out.”
“Then I’m glad I caught you. How are things in Nashville?”
“Going well, honestly. I got the closest thing to approval I could from the GM today. It was actually a smile and a thumbs-up.”
“Great, great.” The dismissiveness in her voice shouldn’t have stung, but it did. It was the first time she’d called since she and my grandfather had sent me here, so I didn’t know why I thought she’d care.
When the awkward silence stretched on too long to be comfortable, I turned the focus of the conversation to her and home. “How are things there?”
“Oh, they’re going well. Carissa just headed to college last weekend. Finally her senior year. Your dad is in Boston, picking Aston up.”
Boston? What was Aston doing in Boston? And what had he done that our dad was going to pick him up? I had a feeling I was about to find out. And since my mom was calling me, I knew it was going to impact me, which meant I wasn’t going to like whatever she was about to tell me.
She wasn’t going to volunteer the information, though. “Why does Dad need to pick Aston up in Boston, Mom?”