Page 12 of Rock Bottom

Did guys whisper sweet nothings when they were inside of you? They did in the romance novels I read, so there had to be an element of truth to it, even if it didn’t happen all the time.

“Did I scare you away, Sunny?” His quiet voice behind me made goose flesh break out on my skin and I slowly turned around, tilting up my head to look into his handsome face.

“I’m not scared,” I whispered shakily.

“No?” He didn’t touch me, even though he could have since he was only a few inches away from me. So close I could feel the heat radiated from his body. His very strong, muscular body.

“I’m cautious,” I said, my voice soft but more confident now.

“I won’t hurt you, Sunny.” He still didn’t touch me. “I just want to make us both feel good.”

“That’s the problem,” I muttered.

“That’s the problem?” He chuckled. “Why is us feeling good a problem?”

“Because I don’t know how.”

He frowned slightly. “I’m not sure I understand, honey. I like you and I think you like me. I’d like to spend some more time together tonight. More of what we’ve been doing the past few hours.”

“I’d like that too.”

“But?” He reached for me, putting one of his big hands on the side of my waist. “It’s snowing like crazy out there, so I can’t imagine you’re going home.”


He waited, watching my face.

“It’s embarrassing,” I whispered.

“What is? You on your period or something? Because that’s what showers are for.”

I shook my head. “No.” I took a breath and steeled myself, bracing for rejection. “I’m a virgin, Zeke.”



A virgin.

Holy shit, she was even more innocent than I’d thought.

And here I was doing my best to seduce her.

You’re a bad, bad man, William Zerkesian.

The angel on my shoulder was not pleased with me because he already knew I was going to do this. If sweet, hazel-eyed Sunny wanted me to pop her cherry, who was I to turn her down? She was twenty-two, not some teenager. So, if her only concern was not knowing what to do, I had no issue with that at all. I knew enough for both of us.

“That’s not exactly a turnoff,” I said after a moment.

“It’s not?”

She looked so confused I desperately wanted to touch her, reassure her, let her know her virginity was the furthest thing from a deterrent. I was the first to admit I had enough alpha male in me to like the idea of being the first, the only. Even if it was just for the night.

“What do you drink, Sunny?”


“You said you don’t party much, but you must drink a little? What’s your favorite?”