Page 13 of Rock Bottom

“Oh. I like Moscato.”

“Get a bottle and put it on my tab.”

Her eyes widened.

“It’s okay. Get whatever you like for you, and if you have a bottle of Macallan back there, I want one of those for me.”

She squinted, all shyness suddenly gone. “I didn’t picture you a scotch guy,” she said. “I would have thought bourbon. Maybe tequila.”

“My tequila days are behind me,” I said. “I’m too old for that kind of hangover. I’ll occasionally take a shot if we’re celebrating something, but scotch is for sipping. Relaxing. Winding down.”

“Okay.” She moved away from me, and I felt the loss, though I’d barely touched her.

Damn, I hadn’t been with a virginal college girl in years, but I liked it. Hell, it had been years since I’d been with an innocent woman. The women I usually went for were the opposite of innocent, someone well-matched with me in bed, but someone I could also simply fuck and forget.

She had no way of knowing it, but tonight would probably take me as far out of my comfort zone as it would take her out of hers.

I could only hope it was what we both needed.

She finished wiping down all the counters and tables and then pulled two bottles from behind the bar, handing them to me along with a wine glass and a crystal tumbler, before doing something on the computer.

“I need to get my phone and charger from my locker,” she said. “In case Aunt Meg needs me.”

“I’ll wait for you here.”

“Okay.” She disappeared into a room down the hall, and I waited for her by the elevators. The place seemed deserted other than a tired-looking receptionist at the front desk. They normally had twenty-four-seven security and a concierge, but tonight the concierge desk was empty and although I figured the security guard was around, he wasn’t outside like he normally was. Not that I’d expect him to be. It looked brutal out there and I was glad Sunny wasn’t driving home in this.

“You weren’t driving home tonight, were you?” I asked her as the elevator ascended to the tenth floor.

“No. I planned to sleep in the employee lounge. Normally we’re not allowed to do that, but my boss told me I could. I think he was grateful I even came in. Almost everyone called out.”

“I’m glad the chef was here,” I admitted.

She smiled. “Blane is always here.”

“How is it working here?”

She shrugged. “I like it, but I get the slow shifts, so I’m only here a few times a week. And if the weather’s bad, they call me because they know I need the money.”

“Couldn’t you get a job working somewhere else that would give you more hours?”

“It works out okay because I’m so busy with school and Aunt Meg. I’d struggle if I had to work somewhere four or five days a week. Working two or three nights is enough for now. I’ll be done with school in May and then I’ll find something better.”

I nodded as I unlocked the door to my suite, letting her walk in ahead of me.

“This is nice,” she said, putting down her purse and looking around. “I’ve never been in any of the suites.”

“It’s comfortable. I’ve stayed here several times, whenever we come through Minneapolis.”

“I must not have been working last year,” she said, walking over to the sliding glass doors and pulling open the curtains. “Oh wow… look at all the snow.”

I followed slowly, gently wrapping my arms around her from behind and resting my head on top of hers. “It’s brutal out there.”

“I’m glad I didn’t try to drive home.” She shivered slightly, and I pulled her closer.

“Me too.” For whatever reason, I wasn’t in a rush. I wasn’t nervous, per se, but it had been a long time since I’d been anyone’s first. I was trying to remember exactly what I could or should do to make it decent for her. There probably wasn’t anything. In my experience, some girls barely had any discomfort, while others cried and bled and all sorts of nonsense.

Okay, that probably wasn’t fair. I knew enough about life—and biology—to know the ones who hadn’t enjoyed it usually couldn’t help it. Hell, I had a buddy once who told us the story of his high school girlfriend and how they’d tried and tried, and he never got in there. I’d forgotten what it was called, but she’d literally had to go to a doctor to have her cherry medically removed. Hopefully, we wouldn’t run into anything like that tonight.