Page 178 of Merciless

"In time?" he asks like it's the most absurd thing he's ever heard.

"Yeah. Forgive me, Victor, but you're an untrustworthy cunt so I won't be handing them over the second you let me walk out of this room. You'll get Alana first, because I actually feel a little sorry for Maverick. He's clearly in love with a woman he shouldn't be for whatever fucked-up reason. Then Gray will follow if, and only if, you keep to your end of the deal and let me get on with my life."

They’ll be delivered back to you safely.

I fucking knew she never ran. I knew deep down in my gut that she wouldn’t walk away and leave me and all the plans we made.

You’ll get Alana first…

Not if I find her before then.

There is no fucking way I’m sitting around waiting for her to be returned to me when I know she’s being held against her will somewhere.

It’s just not going to fucking happen.



My chest heaves as I stare at the two people beneath my feet on the small screen of my cell phone.

They’re not doing anything other than sitting on Alana’s cot talking, but it doesn’t matter. My reaction would be the same if they were fucking again.

She has no idea, but she’s sparked something. Something potentially huge that could significantly help us move forward.

But somehow, I still need to hear the words. I need to know that I’m right, no matter how horrific the truth is.

I startle when my front door swings open and soon after slams closed. I put my cell to sleep and pocket it before I get caught being a creep.

JD is downstairs and there are only a handful of people who can get into this house uninvited. Five to be exact.

"Yo, Bro. Where you at?" A voice booms down the hallway, letting me know who it is.

"Kitchen,” I shout back before I take a second to school my features and pull on the mask he’ll expect me to be wearing.

Footsteps pad toward me, but they’re not Devin’s thumping boots, there’s another set. And they’re lighter.

Not ten seconds later, I get my answer as my eldest little brother emerges with none other than Scarlett Hunter, nervously trailing him.

My eyes widen in shock. It’s no secret that Devin doesn’t like her very much.

Jealousy at its finest. Devin and Kane have been tight for years, and Scarlett has been right in the middle, causing a rift for most of them.

"Letty, this is a surprise," I say, studying her as she moves close.

"Do you know where he is?" she asks in desperation. She doesn’t say his name, but she doesn’t need to.

"N-no. Why?"

What the fuck has happened here that I don’t know about?


I’ve been helping Kane over the past few months, so he can finally cut ties with the Hawks and embark on the life he should have at MKU with his girl. But things aren’t that fucking easy.

Victor isn’t that fucking easy.

She gives me the CliffNotes of what’s happened, while Devin bristles beside her.