Page 56 of Crashing Into You

She hadn’t been back to the hospital or gone over to see them when they got home two days ago because she’d wanted to finish her Z-pack first just to make sure she wasn’t contagious. The good news was, she was feeling much better. The bad news was, she’d missed the first week of her godbabies’ lives.

Oh well, there was no reason to dwell on things she couldn’t change. She was there now. She grabbed the presents she’d gotten them from the back seat and headed inside.

As she walked, she had to admit she was disappointed that a certain black Escalade wasn’t parked outside. She’d barely seen Seb this week, even though she’d spent five of the seven days working at the Snack Shack.

She wondered if he was avoiding her again. It seemed like when it came to Seb, it was either feast or famine. He was either all about her or wanted nothing to do with her. He was telling her she belonged to him and then not speaking to her for a week.

If that wasn’t the cornerstone of a toxic relationship, she didn’t know what was.

So, even though she was disappointed, she knew it was better that he wasn’t at Laura and Knox’s. Because she knew the second she looked into his big brown eyes, all he’d have to do was smile, and she’d be putty in his hands.

Kennedy opened the screen door that was unlocked and walked into a house that was filled with family, food, and laughter. From the text updates Kennedy had been receiving, Laura’s sisters and mom had pretty much been at her house on a rotation to help with the twins. Today, Leti and Lori her oldest and youngest sisters were there.

Leti was cooking and Lori was on the couch folding laundry.

After Kennedy said her hellos, they told her Laura was in the bedroom breastfeeding and for her to go back.

Kennedy thought about knocking on the door, but if the babies were sleeping, she didn’t want to wake them up. She turned the knob as quietly as possible and with the grace of a ninja walked in without making a sound. She was glad that she had because Laura had just finished feeding and changing both babies who were conked out in the baby bouncers that Kennedy had gotten from the registry for Knox and Laura’s baby shower.

Laura’s face lit up when Kennedy walked into the room, “Hi, beautiful.”

“Hi,” Kennedy whispered.

“You don’t have to whisper. They sleep through anything with the sound machine running.”

Kennedy hadn’t been sure what that whooshing sound was. She’d thought it might be coming from the bouncers.

“How are you feeling?” she asked as she hugged her friend.

“Good. Tired but good.”

They spent about an hour catching up on all things baby, including Laura’s delivery, her after care, and how much newborns poop, eat, and sleep. Next, they moved onto all things shop related. Kennedy made sure her friend knew everything was being taken care of.

“Okay, now talk to me about you. What’s going on with you? Any news in the man department?”

“Um…” There was so much Kennedy wanted to tell Laura, but she couldn’t. Seb was her brother-in-law. She didn’t want things to be awkward whenever they were around each other.

“I went out with a guy that I met in Chicago.”

“You met him when?”

“At the conference, you know, before…” Kennedy didn’t want to say her wedding because she was scared Leti or Lori might overhear.

“You did? What does he look like? When did you go out with him? Tell me everything!”

“Um, he’s attractive. Here, I can show you his Instagram.” Kennedy pulled up his social media on her phone and handed it to Laura.

“Oh, he’s cute.”

“Yeah, he lives in Rosewood Grove and he’s in real estate. I was actually on a date with him when I got the text that you were in labor.”

“You were, I’m sorry,” she apologized.

“No, it was fine.”

Because I got a ride to the hospital with Seb, and then he spent the night at my house,Kennedy thought to herself.

“Are you going to see him again?”