Page 57 of Crashing Into You

“He’s a nice guy, but I don’t think so.”

Laura handed Kennedy her phone. “What about the show? Have you heard anything back after the phone interview?”

“Oh, my gosh yes. I did!” Kennedy couldn’t believe how much had happened in the past two weeks, that she hadn’t told her friend about. “They called earlier in the week and I have a Zoom interview with them tonight.”

“Oh, that’s awesome.” Laura tilted her head to the side, her brow furrowed in either confusion or worry. “Are you excited?”

No. She wasn’t.

“Yeah, I am. I just don’t want to get my hopes up. I mean, even if I do get on the show, what are the chances that I’m actually going to find love?”

“It happens. Look at Molly and Tommy, Olivia and Alex, Cara and Nathen, Dom and Jess, Camilla and Jamie, Jamie and Doug, Alexa and Brennan, Woody and Amani, Ashley and Anthony, Trista and Ryan, Sean and Catherine, JoJo and Jordan, Jade and Tanner, Rachel and Bryan—"

“Okay,” Kennedy cut off Laura as she listed couples who had met onLove Island,Love is Blind,The Bachelor, andMarried at First Sight. Laura loved reality TV. They could be there all night. “You’re right. But like I said, I don’t even know if I’m going to be cast.”

And even if she was, would any of those men be able to live up to the bar that Sebastian Savage set? She doubted it.

She didn’t regret spending the night with him in the way that he was worried that she would. She regretted having sex with him because she’d never known sex could be that good. And maybe a little bit because she felt like she was lying to her best friend.

“Is something else bothering you?” Laura questioned.

“My dad is still in town.” Kennedy knew her friend wouldn’t drop this. She figured she had to give her something and the truth was, she was upset about him being there. “He came into the shop. He wanted to talk to me.”

“Did you talk to him?”

“No,” Kennedy shot back defensively.

She hadn’t meant to be so rude, but she couldn’t help feeling offended that she even suggested it. Kennedy didn’t have a lot of friends, and she didn’t open up to people easily. But she’d told Laura everything her dad had put her through in her childhood.

“Sorry,” Laura quickly apologized. “I wasn’t suggesting that you should.”

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I just wish I knew what he wanted. What his game plan was. For the past year, I’ve just been waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

“You mean for him to leave?” Laura questioned.

“No. I don’t care if he leaves. Iwishhe would leave. I meant that I’m waiting to find out how he is going to screw over Nana.”

Laura looked confused. “I thought you said she didn’t have any money and that the house has a reverse mortgage.”

“It does, and she doesn’t.” Kennedy sighed. “Which is why I can’t figure out what he wants.”

Laura nodded as her lips pursed slightly. Kennedy could see that her friend had more to say.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing.” Laura shook her head.

The last thing she wanted was for Laura to feel like she was walking on eggshells around her and couldn’t actually speak her mind. That wasn’t a real friendship. “No, just say it, please.”

Laura inhaled slowly before saying, “I just think that it might be worth talking to Anne about. Maybe she has some advice on how you can handle this and maybe even heal.”

The problem was, Kennedyhadspoken to Anne about it. Her therapist thought that Kennedy should talk to her father. She’d even had the audacity to suggest that Kennedy invite her father to come to a session with her. When Kennedy made it clear that was never going to happen, Anne encouraged her to consider speaking to him and being honest with him about how his actions had affected her as a child. Anne claimed part of Kennedy’s issue with him was that he never took accountability for his actions and he never stuck around. Since he’d stuck around, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to allow him the chance to take accountability.

Anne framed it as being something Kennedy would be doing for herself, not for her father. She framed it as a way of keeping your side of the street clean, emotionally and psychologically. Kennedy wasn’t convinced.

“Yeah, maybe I will.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, did that doctor call you?”