As dinner progressed, the handsome man sitting next to Mia smiled. “Mrs. Adams thought we might have something in common since I have a cabin outside of Magic Springs.”

“Oh, really?” Mia froze, her fork almost to the plate where what looked like a piece of fish on a small bed of mixed greens sat, waiting for her. So far, the food had been good, but served in tiny portions. Mia used to cater dinners like this, and she always was concerned that the diners hadn’t been served enough calories to keep them alive. Of course, they did have their wine with dinner and then drinks afterward. Calories were calories. She turned to meet his gaze. “Where is your cabin?”

“Near where the coven holds their summer equinox celebration. But I haven’t seen you at a coven meeting yet, Mia.” He’d dropped his voice for the last word. He smiled as he saw her react. “I take it you didn’t expect anyone from our club to attend tonight’s gala?”

“Look, it’s important for Mrs. Adams to think her daughter is here, so she is. Christina is a little tied up right now.” Mia glanced around, hoping no one was listening. “I’d appreciate your cooperation.”

“Of course. We’ll talk more about this at the next meeting. January fifteenth at eight p.m. Can you join us?” The humor flickered in his eyes. “I’m Edward Phillips, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Edward. Mia Malone, but you already knew that.” She shook his hand and met his gaze. A tingle surged through her. She pushed back at the magic. “I’d rather you not check out my power. The glamour needs all my attention. So you’re blackmailing me?”

“Sorry. Force of habit. I like to know who I’m dealing with.” He held his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “A harsh word, but the intent is correct. I heard there was a problem with the Christmas mittens this year, but I didn’t realize that Miss Adams was involved.”

“She got caught up. Sabrina’s group is on their way to handle the issue.” Mia set her fork down. She glanced around at the table, but no one seemed to be watching them. She really didn’t like the way this discussion was going. “I didn’t realize the full coven was aware of this. Do you know anything about reversing the spell?”

“Hold on a minute.” Edward wiped his mouth with his napkin and held out his hand. “Do you mind stepping into the living room with me? Too many ears in this room.”

Mia paused for a second, hoping that this wasn’t a trap. But she couldn’t feel any negative vibes, so she nodded and stood.

Mother Adams frowned at her from her spot at the front of the table. “Christina, dinner isn’t over.”

“I know, but we’ll be right back.” She smiled and dropped her head. “Excuse us a minute. We’ve got to check on something.”

As they walked out of the dining room, Isaac grinned at her and made a thumbs-up sign. Mia sighed. She leaned into Edward. “Please don’t expect Christina to follow up on this fake interest. She’s dating . . .”

“Levi Majors, I know. I told her mother that as well, but sometimes a little money can change a heart.” He paused in the middle of the hallway where they were out of sight of the guests in the dining room. “Look, the mittens are powerful. And until you can find the other one, I’m afraid Miss Adams is in danger. The mitten thinks it’s fulfilling a mission. Even though Mr. Brewer is already dead.”

“Yeah, I know that.” Mia pressed her lips together. “And rumors on why Geoffrey was killed?”

“The rumors going around in the coven are all focused on his inability to be faithful.” Edward leaned on what was probably a really expensive side table.

Mia sighed. “So his wife killed him?”

Now Edward looked wary. “I don’t think so. Kate is solid. She’s served as coven leader before as well as on the board. She runs her own company. Besides, she has her own dalliances. I’m not sure she can get jealous. She stays, or stayed, married to Geoffrey because she liked having a home base. Someone to share her life with. She wasn’t into monogamy.”

“Okay, so now I have only one suspect—my boss.” Mia blew out a breath. “We better get back to dinner before Christina’s mom comes out to find us. She runs a tight ship, even with her parties.”

Edward put a hand up to stop her from moving. “And I’ll see you on the fifteenth?”

She nodded. “If you keep my secret, yes.”

Mother Adams met her gaze as they came back into the dining room. Mia’s plate was gone, and now there was a small bowl of noodles with several colorful chopped peppers on the top. Apparently, a new course waited for no one. She slipped into her chair and took a bite of the noodles. The dish was good. But before she left town to drive back to Magic Springs tonight, she was stopping and getting fast food. A big juicy burger would fill the empty hole in her stomach from not eating since breakfast.

After dinner, Isaac and Jessica did their dog and pony show, everyone clapped, and champagne was passed out on trays as quickly as possible. After the toast, she turned to Edward. “Thank you for the lovely dinner conversation. I’m heading back to Magic Springs tonight. Do you need a ride?”

“I’m staying in town for the holiday. Thanks for the offer though. It was nice to meet you.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Then he leaned into her to whisper, “Tell Trent and Levi it was all an act. I’d hate to have both brothers mad at me for just one kiss.”

“It was nice to meet you, Edward. And thanks for the information. If you hear anything else that might be useful, call me. We’re running out of time.” Mia saw Christina’s face in the mirror over the fireplace watching her and Edward. “I don’t want to lose her.”

“She’s very lovely.” Edward squeezed her hand. “Thanks for making this setup less awkward.”

“Well, since I’m not who you were set up to meet, I think that eases the awkwardness.” Mia said good night and headed toward the stairs so she could go upstairs to change. She needed to get home and find that other mitten. Mother Adams blocked her way as she approached the stairwell. “Good evening, Mother. I’ve got to run. I’ve got a lab tomorrow.”

“On a Sunday?” Mother Adams’s eyes narrowed as she focused on her daughter.

Mia nodded. “It’s a makeup. The professor was sick last week, so we have this lab on Sunday. Sorry, it was last minute or I would have loved to stay. Edward was very nice.”

“He’s from a good family and he’s looking for a wife to start a family with.” She spoke under her breath. “You should stay and become better acquainted.”