“Mom, you know I’m dating Levi.” Mia hoped Christina had made this clear or there was going to be a lot of points Christina had to clean up. “Edward is lovely, but I’m in a relationship.”

“You may not be in a relationship for long. You go through men like candy. Edward is very eligible,” Mother Adams repeated.

The one thing about Mother Adams was she was determined. And stubborn. But Mia was as well. She leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I appreciate you trying to look out for me. We’ve come a long way, right? But right now I need to get back to Magic Springs and get some sleep before this test tomorrow.”

Mother Adams’s eyes narrowed. “I thought you said it was a lab, not a test.”

“Oh, that’s what I meant. A test. See, I’m so tired I’m mixing up words.” Mia started up the stairs.

“Christina?” Mother Adams stopped Mia on the second step.

Mia turned around and tried to smile. “Yes?”

“Please be careful driving back. You have a lot to live for.” Mother Adams smiled at the image of her only daughter, then turned and engaged a guest in a conversation that seemed to be about the woman’s dress.

Once in her room, Mia leaned against the doorway after she locked it. Tonight hadn’t gone exactly as she’d planned, but she’d learned one thing. Kate Brewer hadn’t killed her husband because he was sleeping around. So why had he been killed? Maybe one of the women he’d been sleeping with had done the deed because he wouldn’t leave his wife.

Maybes. Those were all she seemed to have right now. But she needed to get changed and out of here.

With the dress back in the bag, she hurried down the servant stairway and out to where the valets were all hanging out. She handed one the ticket she’d been given when she’d come to the Adamses’ house. “I need my car.”

“Not a problem. I’ll have it out front in a few minutes. You can wait here or out front.” He glanced at the box that held the keys and took out the set she’d handed him a few hours before. Mia made her way to the front door, avoiding the party at every turn. Then she sank onto a bench near the driveway to wait.

“A penny for your thoughts.” Isaac sat down next to her.

“I’m not sure they’re worth even that.” Mia smiled at him. “I’ve got a makeup test tomorrow. I need to get back or I would have hung out longer. Congratulations on finding the one.”

He leaned back and sighed. “Sis, that’s the problem. I think I met ‘the one’ years ago and let her go because of Mom.”

“Isaac, Mia’s happy now.” It felt weird talking about herself in the third person.

He nodded his head. “And I’m happy for her. I just don’t want to sit and watch you make the same mistake. If you love this EMT guy, stand your ground. I’ll support you.”

Christina’s Land Rover pulled up and the valet left it running, the door open. Mia stood up and gave Isaac a hug. “I’m so glad you’re finding your way in the world. You’re really a nice guy when you don’t let your mother influence you.”

He kissed her on the cheek, squeezing her arms. “You mean our mother, right? Mia used to say the same thing to me.”

Mia froze. Was her glamour slipping, or was it just her words that were not framed right? “Yeah, our mom. Seriously, I need to get home. I’m beat. I’ll be jamming out to Heart all the way home.”

“You’re taking on Mia’s musical tastes as well.” He walked her to the car and waited while she climbed inside. “You’re really growing up, sis. I’m proud of you.”

Mia smiled as she put on her seat belt. “Thanks, Isaac.”

He shut the door, but he stood there, a frown on his face. He moved to reopen it as he appeared to have made a decision, but before he could, Mia pulled the car out to Harrison Boulevard. She needed to get away from Isaac before he realized who he was actually talking to. And from the look on his face, that realization was close. In her rearview mirror, she saw Jessica come out and put her arm around him, dragging him back to the party.

It was too bad that Christina hadn’t heard the nice things her mom and Isaac had said about her. But Mia would make sure she told her friend. Just as soon as they could safely wake her up from her induced beauty sleep. That wording sounded so much better than a coma.

She found a hamburger place and ordered a meal with large fries and a large Coke. The caffeine in that should keep her awake for the two-hour drive home. She scarfed down the hamburger in the parking lot, then set the French fries in the cup holder next to the soda. She was ready for her road trip.

Her phone rang just after she got on the freeway. She’d plugged it into Christina’s sound system in the Land Rover. It was Trent. “Great timing. I’m heading home.”

“I know. I’ve been tracking you since you reached the Adamses’ house,” he admitted. “You seriously needed to get food after having dinner?”

“You should have seen what Mother Adams served. I can’t believe anyone can survive on food like that.” Mia grabbed a couple of fries while they were still hot.

“That’s why they’re always so slim. They don’t eat. Now me, I like a good fourteen-ounce steak and baked potato when I go out. Not a sliver of fish and a half cup of noodles.”

Mia wondered just how detailed Trent’s tracking spell had been. “I’m thinking you’ve been watching me. Doesn’t the lodge you’re staying in have cable?”