Malia was standing there, watching her make her list. “That’s alot of books.”

“I need to be prepared for these clubs, just in case Shirley can’t do the meeting.” She shut the planner. “I’m supposed to order. Archer took Killer home, and he’llbe right back.”

“The kitchen’s running a little slow anyway, so I think you’ll be fine. What can I get for you?” Malia wrote down their order, then took the menus. “And just one more thing. No matter what Holly says, this thing Sunday is not a date. We’re just getting together to study for an exam.”

“Okay, you said that, so why are you worried about me knowing it?” Rarity watched as the pink flowed into Malia’s cheeks. “Wait, so you’re worried thathethinks it’s a date? Doyou like him?”

She glanced around the room and leaned closer. “I do like him. And this is the first time he’s asked me to study with him, so I don’t want to read toomuch into it.”

“So don’t. Go and be prepared to study. If he asks you to do dinner afterward, just let us know you’re not coming over. I don’t want to worry.” Rarity pulled out the book she’d been reading that week. It wasn’t on any of the book club lists, butit was so good.

“I’ll get this in to the kitchen. I’ll hold off on Archer’s beer, but do you want your wine now?” Malia nodded toward another table that had just been seated, letting them know she’d be right with them.

“That would be amazing.” She leaned back and opened her book. When Malia came back with the wine, she also had a basket of fresh rolls and butter.

“To hold you over.” She moved to the next table and greeted them.

She had been going to wait to eat until Archer got there to eat, but the rolls smelled amazing. She took one and broke it open, watching the steam escape with another fresh scent of warm bread. She slathered on some butter and took a bite.It was heaven.

When Archer arrived, the breadbasket was empty. He picked it up and turned it over. “Was it something good?”

“Oh, the bread was amazing. Ask Malia to bring you some.” Rarity felt her cheeks heat. She hadn’t meant to eat all of the rolls. She’d just been engrossed in the book. “How mad was Killer?”

“I’m going to say he was at a five, but he tried to be all chill about it. I gave him one of his stuffed animals, and he shook it hard, then threw it across the floor.” Archer slipped onto the bench seat next to her and smiled as Malia came from the bar with his beer and another basket of bread. “You’re an angel.”

“I’m an attentive server.” She picked up the empty basket. “It looks like your meals will be out ina few minutes.”

“Thanks, Malia.” Archer grabbed one of the rolls.“I’m starving.”

“I hear Caleb tried to confess to Janey’s murder,” Malia said, “but he guessed the time and place wrong. He said he followed Janey onto the trail that runs to the waterfall, not the quarry, just about an hour before Marcus was supposed to meet Janey at the quarry. He shot at her, and she went running. He was sure he’d killed her.”

“Wait, why would he confess to something he didn’t do?” Rarity finished the last sip of wine.

“Because he’s crazy? Anyway, rumor is he was stalking Janey even before they started working at your store. He’s a nutcase.” Malia pointed to Rarity’s glass. “Do youwant another?”

“One more and a glass of water.” Rarity took one last roll while she thought about Malia’s news. “I still don’t know why he’d admit to seeing her, much less shooting at her. I guess he said he used the same gun that he had at the shop?”

“Crazy is as crazy does.” Malia waved at a new customer that had just been seated in her section. “Sorry, I’ve got to go. Hopefully, I’ll see you Sunday, or at least on Tuesday.”

Archer watched Malia walk away. “I thought she and Holly were coming over Sunday. Are you hiding things from me?”

Rarity laughed as she tucked her book away in her tote. “Me? I’m an open book. Malia, on the other hand, she might have a date on Sunday.”

“What do you mean, might?”

Rarity smiled after she finished her roll. “Don’t worry about it. Holly’s a definite yes. We just don’t know if Malia will be visiting withus on Sunday.”

“You’ve totally lost me.” Archer leaned back as a server put his dinner in front of him. “And I’m too hungry to even try to figure it out. As long as Holly’s going to be there,I’ll be happy.”

They ate dinner and then paid the check. As they walked back to Rarity’s house, she thought about Caleb. “Did you notice that Trish and Janey look like twins?”

He chuckled. “They are twins. I was with Drew when he found out. They went to Flagstaff High, and he found their yearbook with their pictures. They really looked the same when they were kids.”

“It must be hard losing your twin. You’ve been together all your life, literally. Even in the womb.” Rarity was starting to feel sorry for Trish. Maybe that was why she wasn’t so friendly with Janey’s friends and coworkers. She was probably still grieving the loss of her sister. When they got home, Terrance was sitting on his porch next door. He waved asthey walked by.

“Terrance is on the night shift this week. He says it’s payback for him missing a meeting last week when he was on his cruise.” Archer lifted his hand to wave back atthe older man.

“One more person watching out for me. I think I’m going to be fine.” Rarity unlocked the door. She was glad to be home.