“Until you consider, with all those people watching your back, someone still got into your bookstore with a gun.” Archer followed her inside. “I know, he wasn’t there to kill you, but what if he had been?”

Chapter 19

The next morning, Rarity sat drinking coffee at the table when someone knocked on the door. Archer had been in the guest bedroom, but before she could get up, he was at the door opening it for Jonathon. “Hey, come on in. You’reright on time.”

“Then I’m late. My mother always said to be ten minutes early.” He nodded toward Rarity. “That coffee looks good. Do we have time for meto have a cup?”

“Of course.” Rarity rose and got him a cup, and she and Jonathon sat down at the table.

Archer walked over and gave her a kiss. “I’ve got to get to the shed and warm up the bus. I’m picking the group up at eight in front of the shop. I’ll see you atthe bookstore?”

“I’ll stay until Shirley gets there, if not longer. I don’t want to kill the writing if I’m in a flow state.” Jonathon waited for Archer to leave. “I keep slipping up and talking about writing in front of Archer. Anyway, I suppose you heard about Caleb’s confession.”

“Yeah. Has Drew talked to Trish yet?” Something wasn’t adding up between the two sisters.

“I think so. Nothing more than that she thought she was getting Janey’s part of the trust.” Jonathon sipped hiscoffee. “Why?”

“You heard me talking to my attorney, who is actually Janey’s attorney too, right?” Rarity knew she’d hit the button when Jonathon blushed.

“Yes, I’m ashamed to say I listened in on your conversation. Why?”

“So if Trish didn’t know Janey had taken the trust money out and put it into her own accounts, she still might be a suspect. Just because what she thought would happen didn’t, doesn’t mean she didn’t kill Janey for the money.” Rarity put her head between her hands. “It’s driving me crazy that I can’t pin the actual murder on her, but I still feel like her motive is the strongest. Even though it wasn’tin actuality.”

“But if she thought it was...”Jonathon added.

“And now you’re down the rabbit hole with me. Maybe I can get Roger Kamp to tell us that she wasn’t getting her hair done that day.” Rarity sank back down in her chair. “Even though the receptionist checked on the appointment andsaid she did.”

“You really want Trish to be the killer, don’t you?” Jonathon sipped his coffee. “Mind if I change the subject for a bit?”

“Go ahead. My head keeps spinning this same record over and over. Maybe having something else to think about will get me out of this loop.” Rarity stood and refilled her coffee. She lifted the pot to offer Jonathon more, but heshook his head.

“I was wondering if you knew of any good writing books. I’ve come to find out that writing a novel is hard work. I’d take a class, but there aren’t any at the local colleges on how to write fiction unless you want to get an MFA or go back for a second degree. And there, it’s all about studying the masters.” He sighed. “If I read all those classics, I’ll be dead before I get this book done.”

“Stephen King says you have to read a lot to be a writer. So let’s put you on some type of plan. Maybe a writing craft book, then a book in your genre or one I loved the writing in. First you need King’sOn Writingbook and a crazy-plotted book. I know,Oona Out of Order.She goes back and forth in time, so the plotting is amazing. I’ve got a copy of both of them at the store. Then I’ll make you a list of what to read for the next few months.”

Jonathon didn’t answer, and when she looked up, she realized he was staring at her. “What? Have you already read those?”

“No, I’m just amazed that whatever problem gets thrown at you, you always have a book to recommend. Bookselling was always supposed to be your career.” He covered her hand with his. “And now you’re on your right path. Some of us take a little longer to find our perfectline of work.”

“I’m happy to help.” As she finished her coffee, she realized that was true. Shewasright where she was supposed to be. Maybe not in Sedona, but even that was turning out to be a perfect place to live a life filled with friends and activities. She glanced at the clock. “We better get going, or I’m going to be charged for a haircutI didn’t get.”

She drove to the salon, and Jonathon sat outside in the car.“Are you sure?”

“The women in those places look at me like I’m some sort of puzzle to be figured out. I can see you from the car. If you go back farther, I’ll come inside to wait, but for now, I’m going to give Edith a call. I like to touch base with her before she starts her day.” He held up the phone. “Unless you want me to go inside with you.”

“No, I’ll be fine. It will be refreshing not to have a shadow everywhere I go.” Rarity went into the salon and checked in with the receptionist. It was a different girl than who was here the last time. “Rarity Cole to see Roger Kamp?”

“His Saturday morning clients tend to no-show, so I’m not sure that he’ll be glad to see you. He’s typically taking a nap in the back. I’ll go let him know you’re here.” The girl,Salena, stood.

Well, that was interesting. Maybe Trish didn’t show on that Saturday. Rarity held out her hand. “Hold on a second. What happens when someone no-shows. Do you take the appointment offthe schedule?”

Salena shook her head and turned the computer. “No, we just put anXby the name. That way, the next time they call for an appointment, we know they didn’t show for this one. If they get threeXs in a row, they have to get the stylist to agree to see them again.”

“Can I see the schedule for the first Saturday in September?” Rarity hoped Salena wouldn’t say no.

“Sure, I know he had at least one no-show that day. He sends me out for muffins and pays if we get two in a row.” She hit a couple of keystrokes, and there was Trish’s appointment with anXby her name.

“So this one, for example. That’s a no-show?” Rarity asked. Excitement filled her as she waitedfor a response.