Page 45 of Savage

“I saw the way he looked at you, Londyn.” He shook his head and smiled. “There’s no doubt that he’s still into you. Hell, it was all he could to keep from snatching you up right then and there.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am.” He placed his glass on the table, then stood and said, “It’s late. You need to get some rest, and I’ll swing back by tomorrow and check on you guys.”

“Thank you, Jackson.” I stood and gave him a hug. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“You would be a mess... a complete and utter mess.” He gave me a quick wink. “But you’d manage. You always do.”

Once he was gone, I locked up and turned out the lights, then headed to my room. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over me. My room was cloaked in dark stillness, but my mind was anything but quiet.

I tossed and turned, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t escape the relentless whirlwind of thoughts that raged through my mind. My argument with Malcomb replayed in my head over and over like a broken record, his harsh words echoing in my head.

Each accusation, every hurtful remark, seemed to claw at my conscience.

My only distraction was the argument I’d had with my father, but that only made my heart ache even more. I tried desperately to push it all from my mind and sleep, but it was no use. I simply couldn’t sleep, so I turned on my TV and tried to find something to watch. I was flipping through the channels when I spotted a shadow in the doorway.

I sat up, and my chest swelled when I saw my precious son standing there with his pillow. “I can’t sleep.”

“I can’t either.” I eased the covers back and waited as he curled up next to me. Knowing it wouldn’t be long before he drifted off, I asked, “You want to watch a movie with me?”

He nodded, and I continued flipping through the channels until I found an older kids' movie that I knew he wouldn’t care for. As the movie continued, I watched Dalton’s eyes slowly droop and his breathing even out. I was grateful for the quiet moment and the feeling of his small body against mine. It was a reminder that despite everything that was happening in my life, I was still a mother, and that was something to hold on to.

Midway through the movie, I glanced down and saw that Dalton had fallen asleep. I turned off the TV and rolled to my side, closing my eyes and willing myself to finally fall asleep. But just as I was beginning to drift off, I heard the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand.

I groaned as I reached over and picked it up, quickly looking down at the screen. My stomach sank as I read:

Unknown Number:

I read the letters.

We need to talk.



“That didn’t sound good.”

“Cause it wasn’t. It wasn’t good at all.” I ran my hand down my clenched jaw. “I’ve got a kid.”

“Do what?”

“You heard me… I got a fucking kid.” Rooster looked as stunned as I felt. Hell, after hearing the news from Londyn, my head was all over the place. I didn’t know what to think or do. I leaned my head back against the seat. “He’s four years old, and I never even knew he existed. I wouldn’t know now if I hadn’t come here tonight.”

“Is that what all the fussing was about?”

“You could say that.”

“Damn, brother. What are you gonna do?”

“I wish I knew.” I turned and looked out the window as I told him, “Just take me to the clubhouse.”

“You got it, brother.”

Knowing I needed a minute to collect myself, Rooster kept quiet as he drove me to the clubhouse. As soon as we got there, I went straight to my room and started rummaging through all of my drawers, searching everywhere until I found the letters that she’d written me. I sat down on my bed and opened the last one she’d sent.

Dear Malcomb,