“Yeah, but there was no way you could know that. They were in the family room, and it was the news,” she tried to reassure me. “Don’t worry about it. Things like that are gonna happen.”
“If you say so.”I walked over to Dalton and picked up his empty plate. “Are you ready to roll?”
“Okay, then let’s go grab our stuff, and then we can head on home.”
“But I don’t wanna go home.”
“I know, but Momma’s got some things she needs to take care of. Besides, we’ve been here long enough. Malcomb has things going on, and we don’t want to get in the way.”
Dalton sighed, but he didn’t argue. Before walking out of the kitchen, I looked over to Candace and said, “Thank you for the apology. It means a lot.”
I didn’t wait for a response. I was afraid she might try to convince us not to leave, so I rushed down the hall to Malcomb’s room and started packing our things. I’d just finished putting everything into my bag when the door opened and Malcomb asked, “Woah, where are you two going?”
“It’s time for us to be getting back.”
“I just don’t want to get in the way. Besides, I need to get back to work.”
“You’re not in the way. Far from it.” Malcomb stepped over to me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. “I want you here.”
“It’s just too much right now.”
“Doesn’t have to be. You just skip the two-week notice thing and stay.”
“Malcomb!” I gasped. “I can’t do that!”
“Sure, you can. You get in your car, and you and Dalton follow me over to my place. Easy as that.”
“And what about my apartment?”
“I’ll send the boys over to pack it and move everything over to my place. Easy as that.”
“But it’s not that easy,” I argued. “You can’t just snap your fingers and make my life in Seattle disappear.”
“Not trying to make it disappear, babe. I just want you here with me. Is that so bad?”
“No, you’re not being fair.” I stepped back, pulling myself free from his embrace. I don’t know why I was resisting. It made zero sense. I had everything I’d ever wanted right there at my fingertips, but I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “This is a lot all at once, and I’m not sure Dalton and I are ready for all this.”
“Okay. I get it.” Malcomb looked down at Dalton and smiled. “You two take the time you need, and when you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.”
I nodded, then reached down and took Dalton’s hand in mine. Without giving Malcomb a kiss or even saying goodbye, I grabbed our bag and rushed out to my car. There was a dull ache in my chest as I put Dalton in his car seat. A part of me wished that Malcomb would’ve come after us and demanded that we stay. But that wasn’t Malcomb. He wasn’t going to force either of us to do something we weren’t ready to do.
Heavy-hearted, I got in the car, and as I drove through the gate, I spotted Malcomb in the corner of my eye. He was standing by the backdoor with a solemn look on his face as he watched us drive away.
What the hell was I doing?
I should’ve turned that car around and gone right back to him, but I didn’t.
I just kept driving and driving, and before I even realized where I was going, I pulled into my parents’ driveway. It was still early, so there was a good chance that I could catch my mother before she went to work. I quickly parked, and after I helped Dalton out of his seat, we both headed up the front steps.
I was just about to knock when the door flew open, and my mother greeted us with a big smile. “What in the world?”
Dalton rushed up to her with arms wide open as he shouted, “Grangran!”