“So, you’re going to stay mad at me.”
“No, I’m not mad.” I sighed. “I just want to put all this mess behind us and move on.”
“Do you think you can really do that?”
“I don’t know, but I certainly want to try.” I took Dalton’s eggs and scooped them onto a plate, then carried them over to him. “Here you go, sweetheart.”
“T’anks, Momma.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie.”
I walked back over to the stove and started cleaning up, and it wasn’t long before Candace joined in. She started washing the dishes while I wiped down the counters. We were just about to finish up when I asked, “Have you seen Malcomb or any of the guys this morning?”
“I’ve seen a couple of them here and there. Pretty sure they’ve got something going on.”
“What makes you say that?”
“There was a commotion last night, and after that, they’re all pretty wound tight.” She shrugged. “I’m not sure what was going on or is going on, but they’ll handle whatever it is. They always do.”
The words had barely left her mouth when there was a loud click, and the back door opened. Seconds later, several of the guys walked past the kitchen and down the hall. Curious, I stepped over to the doorway and watched as they all filed into the family room. I glanced back at Candace and asked, “What was that all about?”
“No idea. Let’s go find out.”
Before I had a chance to protest, Candace was out the door. As I started after her out, I told Dalton, “Wait here, sweetie. I’ll be right back.”
I quietly followed Candace down the hall, and when we reached the family room, Candace and I peeked inside and found all the guys standing in front of the TV. I stepped closer and saw that they were watching the news. There was some kind of explosion in the city, and it wasn’t just any explosion. This took out an entire block. There was debris everywhere like a bomb had gone off.
I stood there in shock as I listened to the reporter say, “A massive explosion occurred in Yesler Terrace late last night. The explosion took out an entire block, including an abandoned warehouse and an apartment complex. The twenty-two acres is well known for its gang activity, but officials are saying that the explosion appears to be the result of a major gas leak. The investigation is ongoing.”
I was shocked.
Yesler Terrace wasn’t all that far from my apartment, and I knew it well. It was a place many avoided at all costs. Everyone did—which led me to wonder why the guys were so invested in the news of the explosion. It just seemed so odd to me, but they were glued to that TV and looked truly disturbed by what they were witnessing. After several minutes, Cotton asked, “Is that what I think it is?”
“Yeah, it is,” Rooster answered. “He did it.He really fucking did it.”
“There was no way this was him.”
“Who else could it have been?” Rooster argued.
“You really think that was Br...” Torch’s words trailed off when he spotted me and Candance in the doorway. “Heads up. We got company.”
And just like that, everyone in the room turned and looked at us. I knew then that I’d screwed up and wanted nothing more than to crawl into a dark hole and hide. Malcomb stepped out of the pack and said, “Londyn, what are you doing here?”
“I was just getting Dalton some breakfast when I heard you guys come by.” I suddenly felt morbidly embarrassed and took a step back. “I’m sorry if I was intruding on something.”
“It’s just the news, babe. Nothing to intrude on.”
“Either way, I think I’ll get back to the kitchen and check on Dalton.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.”
I nodded, then darted out of the room and down the hall. I could hear Candace following after. “Oh, I can’t believe I did that.”
“Did what?” Candace asked. “You were just watching the news.”
“We clearly interrupted something.”