“And what were you told to do?”
“I was supposed to find someone you cared about so we could use ‘em against you.”
“And how were you planning to do that with the girl?”
“Probably beat her up and give her a good fucking... Give the kid one, too.” Keshawn looked directly into the two-way glass as he said, “Then, we’d send her back to ya with a cunt full of come and...”
Overcome with rage, I withdrew my weapon and charged past my brothers. I opened the door and stalked over to Keshawn, placing the barrel of my gun at the center of his head, “Shut your goddamn mouth, you piece of shit motherfucker! I’ll kill you for even thinking about touching her.”
“Oh, I thought about it,” he snickered, taunting me. “I’m still thinking about it. Nothing better than some tight, white puss...”
That was it.
I couldn’t listen to another word, so I pulled the trigger, sending blood and skull fragments across the back wall. I was still standing there, glaring down at Keshawn’s lifeless body, when Wrath approached me and roared, “What the fuck, brother? I still hadn’t gotten the information I needed to get out of him.”
“We’ll have to get what you need from Bones.”
“But we got no way of knowing if he’s got the means to find it.”
“Then, we’ll have to figure it out,” I argued.
I’d fucked up. I knew that. Hell, all the brothers knew. Outraged with myself, I stormed back out into the hall and slammed the door behind me. I took a step forward, and with all the rage I had boiling up inside me, I drew a fist and slammed it into the fucking wall. It wasn’t one of my finer moments. It hurt like a sonofabitch, but it wasn’t broken.
But thankfully, it helped distract me from all the foul things Keshawn had said about Londyn—at least, for a brief moment. Concerned, Torch stepped over to me and said, “You best get some ice on that.”
“I’m fine.”
“Suit yourself, but in a couple of hours, that’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
“I’m good.”
I was doing my best to shake it off when Maverick stepped over to me. I could tell by his expression that he wasn’t pleased with me, and I couldn’t blame him. I’d lost my cool, and it could cost the club. “I’m sorry, Prez. I shouldn’t have gone in there.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”
“I know, and that shit’s on me. But fuck. Him saying all that shit got under my skin.”
“Which was exactly what he was trying to do. You let him win today. Don’t let that shit happen again.”
“I won’t.”
“This isn’t all on him, Prez,” Rooster interrupted. “We shouldn’t even be dealing with this asshole! He’s here because of fucking Bruton. He’s the one who should be dealing with this bullshit. Not us!”
“You’ve got a point there.” Maverick took out his phone and started dialing. Seconds later, he said, “We need you at the clubhouse.”
There was a brief pause, then Maverick snapped, “You’ve got an hour. Not a minute more.”
He hung up the phone then turned his attention to me. “He’s coming. Go take a few minutes to cool off and get some ice on that hand.”
Maverick wasn’t asking. He was telling, so I nodded and started down the hall. I tried not to think of Keshawn and all the shit he’d said about Londyn, but with each step, I found myself getting more and more riled. I couldn’t help myself. I loved Londyn. I loved her more than I ever thought possible, and the mere thought of something happening to her had me tangled up in knots.
It was the knot in my stomach that had me charging down to the family room to find her. I needed to hold her, to touch her, and see for myself that she was really okay. When I walked in, she was sitting in one of the recliners, talking to my mother. She looked happy, which made that knot wrench even tighter. I took a step inside, then asked, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I just need a minute.”
When she got up and started towards me, I turned to Mom and said, “We won’t be long.”