“Dad knows about Dalton.”
“I heard. Hell, I heard every word.We all did.” We were standing at the two-way mirror, watching as Wrath tortured Keshawn. He’d been at it for a while, but so far, Keshawn had been pretty tight-lipped. Rooster, on the other hand, had plenty to say. “I’ll admit it—I was wrong about wanting to be there when he found out about the kid. That shit was too fucking intense for my liking. Hell, I thought Cotton was about to lose it.”
“He was, but thankfully, Londyn was able to get him to settle down and actually listen.”
“So, everything’s good now?”
“No, but we’re getting there.” I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. “Mom’s on her way over. I’m sure she’s gonna have a lot to say about it, too, but I figured it was best to rip the band-aid all at once.”
“Probably right about that. I’m sure Cass is gonna freak out at first, but she’ll be fine. Your sisters are another story.”
“Ugh,” I groaned. “I don’t even wanna think about them right now.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t think it’d be all that bad. Darby will be cool about it, but I’m not so sure about Susana. She liked Londyn a lot, so she’s liable to kick your ass.” A smirk crossed his face as she said, “Now, that would be a sight to see.”
“What is it with you wanting me to get my ass kicked?” I asked, sounding and feeling a bit wounded. “I don’t get it. What the fuck did I ever do to you?”
“Nothing.” He chuckled under his breath. “I just think it would be fun to watch.”
“Fuck you, Roost.”
“Ah, come on, brother. You know I’m just fucking with you.”
I didn’t respond.
There was no point. Rooster was just being Rooster, so I turned my attention back to the two-way mirror. Wrath was still going at it and was giving Keshawn all kinds of hell. He’d even broken out a fucking Skil Saw and was using it to slice lines into his bicep and thigh—each cut a little deeper than the last. Between cries, Keshawn shouted, “You’re gonna regret this shit. They’re coming for you, and all you motherfuckers are gonna burn.”
“Then, where are they? They gotta know you’re here.”
“They’re already here. They’re just waiting for the right time.”
“I think you’re full of shit. I think they’ve left you to the wolves, and now, you’re the one who’s gonna pay.”
Wrath pressed the saw into his thigh, causing him to bellow out in pain once again. Clearly bothered by the display, Rooster stepped away from the mirror and shook his head. “You gotta give it to him. The motherfucker has got some balls.”
“Yeah,” Q agreed. “He certainly does.”
Keshawn’s tortured cries were penetrating the hallway as Wrath continued to work him over, and a mischievous smile crossed his face as Rooster motioned his head towards the door. “Well, he had some. Now, I’m not so sure.”
“He’s been at it for hours.” Q shook his head. “I can’t believe he hasn’t gotten more out of him.”
“I got a feeling it won’t be long before he’s singing like a canary. I mean, come on. He looks like he’s been through a fucking meat grinder.” A pained expression crossed Rooster’s face as he continued, “Hell, I would’ve started spilling it the second I saw Wrath coming at me with a that Skil Saw, but this guy’s trying to play hero and isn’t giving up his crew.”
Q was quick to reply, “He doesn’t want to be the rat.”
“I was thinking the same fucking thing, and I can’t blame him. I wouldn’t talk either.”
The screams continued as Maverick and Torch walked up. Maverick stared through the two-way glass as he asked, “Is he getting anywhere?”
“Not really. He’s just confirming shit we already knew.”
Bones had been gathering intel on the Stingers and had already compiled a great deal of information. He’d found the names of over half of their members and located their hangout. We were hoping that Wrath could help us find out when and where the gang met. He was asking all the right questions, and then he took a turn I wasn’t expecting. “Why were you following the girl?”
“I was doing what I was told to do. That’s it.”