“What are you guys talking about?” Gio asked. His words were slow and thick with alcohol. “Hicks being in love with Stacks?”
“Hey! Your couple name could be Sticks,” Westy said unhelpfully.
“I’m not in love with him,” Casey grumbled. It felt like a lie.
Oh no. It was a lie!
“I might be in love with him,” Casey amended.
“Have you told him?” Gio asked.
“No he has not,” Westy said.
“Well, that’s fucking stupid. He’s obviously in love with you too.”
“Exactly,” West said. Then he reached across Casey to high-five Gio. It was sloppy.
“He’s also leaving soon,” Casey said. “Going back to Saskatoon.”
“Oh no. An impossible barrier,” Westy said flatly.
“You know about cars and planes, right?” Gio said.
“And, like, the internet?” Westy added.
“Saskatoon is in the next province over, dude,” Gio said. “Do I need to get you a fucking map for Christmas?”
“I know where Saskatoon is,” Casey said, because he sort of did. “But we’ll both be busy and it won’t be like it is now and also he probably doesn’t even feel the same way.”
Gio clapped him on the shoulder and said, with all the confidence of a drunk man, “Look, I don’t get what he sees in you, obviously, but that dude is crushing big-time. So even if he leaves next week, you should probably shoot your shot. At least bone down a few times, y’know?”
Casey pressed his lips together to keep himself from explaining why that would be a pretty huge deal for Landon. And for himself, honestly.
At that moment, Landon glanced over at him and smiled when their gazes met. Casey smiled back, and even waved. He was so fucked.
“I think I have to tell him,” Casey said. “Like, I physically can’t stop myself from telling him. It’s just gonna burst out, so maybe better sooner than later?”
“Tell him,” Westy said. “Do it tonight.”
“Yeah,” Gio said. “Confess your undying love now, then go home and get poke checked by the goalie until morning.” He laughed at his own terrible joke.
“Inappropriate,” Casey scolded, though now he was imagining Landon fucking him and it was pretty excellent. “But maybe I’ll tell him.”
“Rad,” Westy said, then stood up. “Let’s play ping-pong. I’m in the mood to kick your ass, Hicks.”
Landon never in his life imagined he’d be in the position of trying to remove himself from a conversation with Antton Niskanen, but here he was.
It was just...the thing was... Antton was kind of boring. Landon knew he wasn’t exciting himself, but he’d been listening to Antton describe different golf courses for at least twenty minutes now. Landon suspected Antton was happy to have found someone to talk to who wasn’t drunk.
The conversation had started okay, talking about goalie stuff. Mostly gear, and then a bit of gossip. It had been a dream come true, really, talking shop with his hero. And all the while Landon had been able to glance over at Casey and catch him smiling at him.
But Casey had left the sofa a while ago, and Landon had no idea where he was. Now Landon was stuck listening to Antton talk about the speed of the greens at some course in Arizona or maybe California.
“Nice,” he said, hoping it made sense, then he made his move. “I just need to go to the bathroom. Um. Yeah.”
Antton made a gesture that said be my guest, and Landon made a quick exit. He slipped into the bathroom down the hall, used it, because he may as well while he was there, then inspected himself in the mirror. His hair was damp with sweat at his temples, and his cheeks were flushed. The house was hot with so many people packed in, and the sweater Landon was wearing wasn’t helping matters. He really didn’t want to take it off because his undershirt was probably noticeably damp, and besides, Casey liked the sweater. Landon would wear it until he was an actual puddle if it made Casey think he was attractive.
He left the bathroom and nearly ran into Gio, who had been waiting to get in.