Page 85 of Time to Shine

“Oh, hey,” Landon said. “Have you seen Casey?”

Gio blinked at him, swaying slightly, then he smiled. “He wants to get poke checked.”


Gio waggled his eyebrows. “You’re fucking in, bro. Go get him.”

“Where is he?”

“Oh, he’s down.” Gio burped. “Down there. Basement. Playing fucking...” He flapped a hand back and forth. “Ping-pong.”

“Thanks.” Landon headed for the basement, trying to make sense of what Gio had said as he went. Maybe there was no point in trying to decipher what a man that drunk was saying, but Landon was having a hard time ignoring Go get him.

Because that was exactly what he wanted to do.

He found Casey playing ping-pong, as described. He’d removed his suit jacket and had opened at least one more button on his shirt. He was laughing, eyes bright and lips pink and shiny. His hair was also slightly damp with sweat, and was curling aggressively at the ends.

Landon had never wanted anything so badly in his life. What he wouldn’t give to be the kind of person who could cross the room and kiss him.

Was there any truth to what Gio had been babbling? Did Casey want to get...poke checked? By Landon? In a sexual kind of way?

Landon had no idea what to do with that information. That was advanced. He was still mostly focused on kissing Casey. Maybe holding him in his arms. Maybe touching each other in bed, seeing where things went...

Casey was looking at him with a confused, maybe amused, expression. God, Landon’s face was probably pure, blatant desire. He really needed some air. It was freezing outside, but just for a minute.

He spotted a darkened hallway that seemed to lead outside, and a moment later found himself in the Noseworthy’s enormous backyard. He closed his eyes and began counting in his head.

He’d only gotten to six when the door opened behind him.

“Stacks? What the hell? You’ll freeze out here.”

“It’s just for a second. It’s hot in there.”

Then Casey was standing beside him. He’d put his suit jacket back on. Smart.

“It is kind of nice,” Casey conceded. “But you should get your coat if you’re gonna be out here for more than a minute or two. I can go get it if—”

“No. Just stay.” He turned so he could meet Casey’s gaze. “Please?”

Casey smiled at him, slow and uncertain. “Okay.” His breath puffed out in a cloud. “Are you having a good time, though?”

“Yeah. It’s a good party. Are you?”

“Totally. It’s always fun, y’know. Parties. But the thing is...” He frowned as he trailed off. Then he exhaled an enormous cloud and said, “Would it be a really terrible idea if I kissed you?”

Everything stopped: Landon’s heart, his breathing, possibly the world stopped spinning. There was nothing except Casey’s nervous smile, and his huge, hopeful eyes as he waited for Landon’s answer. For Landon’s permission to kiss him. Casey wanted to kiss him.

“What?” Landon finally said, the single word trembling with disbelief.

“I need to know. I’m sorry. I was trying not to blurt that out but then I went and did it anyway, so now it’s out, and yeah. Good idea, bad idea? What are we thinking?”

Landon was already leaning in. “Good idea,” he said, so quietly he almost didn’t hear himself. Then, a little more confidently, “Great idea.”

Casey beamed at him, dimples and all. Landon smiled back, and before he even had a chance to worry about what was about to happen, he was being kissed.

The warmth of Casey’s lips was almost shocking in contrast with the frigid air, and Landon parted his own lips instantly, seeking more heat. Casey laughed into his mouth, and then tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Landon forgot what cold felt like because nothing existed beyond Casey’s teasing little licks, or his minty sweet taste. Landon never thought he could actually have this, had barely dared to fantasize about it, but now he’d always know how it felt to have Casey in his arms, to have his heart-stopping smile pressed against Landon’s own bewildered one, making the kiss ridiculous and sloppy and perfect.

Landon placed a hand just above Casey’s hip, brushing his palm against soft velvet. Casey had one hand on Landon’s bicep, and another tangled in Landon’s hair, which was a lot of physical contact at once, but Landon didn’t mind at all. He sighed happily, which made Casey laugh again. Landon pulled back just enough to look at him. Casey’s eyes were sparkling in the patio lights, his dimples still on full display.