“Fuck, Landon. Yes.”
Landon’s cock was rapidly filling, and he knew Casey would notice, the same way Landon couldn’t help but feel Casey’s hardness pressing against his stomach. It was a lot, and he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do about any of it.
“Is this okay?” Casey asked.
“Yes,” Landon said, because it was. So far it was good.
Casey pulled back so Landon could see his eyes. “I don’t want to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, all right?”
Landon nodded. “Thank you.”
“So you can ignore my excited friend down there.”
Landon laughed. “Are you going to ignore mine?”
“I’ll try, but your friend is a lot more noticeable.”
“It’s really not that big.”
“Sure, buddy.” Then Casey kissed along Landon’s jaw, and Landon’s vision almost whited out. He had no idea being kissed there would feel so good, like there was a direct cable from his jaw to his dick.
He’d barely been kissed before. There had only been a couple of awkward attempts at making out at parties with confident girls who were happy to take charge. Those kisses hadn’t felt anything like this. Like every press of Casey’s lips was waking up Landon’s skin and nerve endings, making his heart race and his blood fizz like champagne. Casey moved slowly across the line of Landon’s jaw, to his ear, and then below. He trailed sweet kisses down his neck that tickled and made Landon moan softly. Landon squeezed Casey’s ass again, almost helplessly as the unfamiliar thrill of arousal pulsed through him.
“This sweater,” Casey murmured against Landon’s neck, “is so fucking soft. It’s like making out with a cloud.”
Landon snorted, and then laughed at the noise he’d made. So much for being sexy. Casey leaned back to look at him, which briefly made their erections rub together. Landon let out a surprised, punched-out gasp while Casey groaned.
“Sorry,” Casey said. “Accident. Fuck.”
“It’s okay. Maybe you could...do that again?”
Casey smiled. “What? This?” He rolled his hips, and holy fuck. Landon nearly lifted off the couch when Casey’s hard bulge slid against his own.
“Y-yeah,” Landon said shakily. “That.”
Casey did it again, and again, falling into a steady, slow grind that Landon dimly realized was a lap dance. Casey was giving him a lap dance. He’d basically asked Casey to do this. Was that a weird thing to ask someone for? God, Casey was good at it, though, giving Landon the exact right amount of pressure on his cock with every pass.
Landon’s hands were still on Casey’s ass, so he kept squeezing and kneading. Casey’s eyes were hooded and hazy, his shiny lips parted. Landon wanted to kiss him, but didn’t want to move at all because everything felt perfect.
Too perfect. Landon realized with some panic that he was suddenly very close to coming. “Casey...”
“I’m too close.”
“Mm. Do you want me to stop?”
It was a really tough question. Landon honestly wanted Casey to keep doing this forever, but he also really didn’t want to come in his pants. He hadn’t thought much about how he wanted his first orgasm in front of another person to go down, but he was sure he could do better than that.
The fact that he was even thinking about getting off with Casey without spiraling was incredible. He was still nervous, but he trusted Casey, and he wanted to do this with him. Also, he was more turned on than he’d ever been in his life.
Casey slowly rolled his hips again, creating more urgency. “Stop,” Landon shuddered. “Fuck. You gotta stop.”
Casey stopped, then stood so he was gazing down at Landon. “Holy shit. You look so fucking wrecked.” He bit his bottom lip as he openly ogled the press of Landon’s erection against his pants. “No pressure, but there are like a million things I want to do to that.”
Landon eyed the matching bulge in Casey’s velvet pants. He could only come up with about three things to do to it, but he was willing to hear new ideas. “Yeah?”
“Wanna go upstairs?”