“No, I mean was it obvious to everyone that I...”
Casey really wanted him to finish that sentence. When it became clear that he never would, Casey helped. “Probably my fault, mostly. I was very obviously crushing on you.”
That got him one of the most adorable shy smiles he’d ever seen. “You were?”
Casey nudged him. “I thought goalies saw everything. I’m fucking bananas about you, Stacks.”
“Oh.” Landon’s smile was twitching like it was deciding whether to grow larger or disappear completely. “I’m pretty bananas about you too.”
Casey wondered if it was possible to be too happy. “Score! So here’s the plan. Operation: Don’t Kiss Landon was a bust, so—”
“Operation what?”
“Forget about it. The mission failed. I’m now launching Operation: Get the Fuck Out of This Party and Kiss Landon All Night and Maybe All Day Tomorrow.”
Landon’s smile grew into a wide grin. His nose even wrinkled. “Maybe tomorrow?”
“Well. I’ll leave that part up to you.”
“I really want to kiss you right now, but we might never make it out of this mudroom if I do.”
Casey threw his shoulders back. “Right. We need to stick to the plan. Let’s move.”
In the taxi on the way back to the house, Casey reached across the back seat and held Landon’s hand. Landon thought his heart might burst before they got there. He felt giddy and a bit sick and a lot like he was dreaming.
And he couldn’t stop smiling.
Casey’s hand was so warm. His thumb was brushing over Landon’s, and it felt like sparks were shooting down Landon’s arm from it.
They let go of each other when the taxi pulled in front of the house, and Casey walked behind Landon to the front door. Once they were finally inside with the door locked behind them, Landon wasn’t sure what to do. He removed his boots, then took off his coat and hung it up in the closet, trying to appear calm and as if his entire world hadn’t just changed.
“So, um,” Casey said. He still had his boots on and was holding his coat. “We were kissing back at the party.”
Landon pressed his lips together. “Were we?”
Casey smiled and dropped his coat on the floor. “Unless it was someone else. I think it was you because my neck is sore from stretching up to reach whoever I was kissing. But I was pretty messed up on candy canes, so I could be remembering things wrong.”
“Was the guy you were kissing any good at it?”
Casey kicked his boots off and stepped forward. “Yeah. He was fucking great at it.”
“It had to be someone else, then.”
Casey slid a hand into Landon’s hair. “Lemme check.”
They kissed, and Landon marveled at how easy it was. How he didn’t have to wonder what to do with his hands, or his tongue, because his body took over. Everything shut down except his need to keep kissing Casey.
“I don’t know how hot and heavy you want things to get tonight,” Casey said breathlessly, “but could we move to the couch maybe?”
Casey grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. “Sit,” he instructed when they reached the couch. Landon sat, and Casey immediately straddled his lap and resumed kissing him.
It was so...sexy. Landon was completely surrounded by Casey, the solid weight of him pressing against his thighs, his warm tongue teasing Landon’s own. He didn’t think he would like being so surrounded by another person, but he wanted more. He moaned helplessly and slid his palms over soft velvet, down Casey’s back, pausing just above the swell of his ass.
“Yeah,” Casey said. “Please.”
Landon let his hands complete their journey, spreading his fingers to firmly hold Casey’s muscular ass cheeks and squeezing slightly.