Troy dipped his head and licked up Harris’s shaft. God, he’d missed sex, and he’d missed giving head more than anything. It had been too long since Troy had gotten to do this, despite being twenty-five and horny most of the time.
Stupid long-distance relationship. Not that it had stopped Adrian.
Troy didn’t want to be thinking about that now. He wanted to focus on the man underneath him, and enjoy the musky scent of his crotch, the salty beads of his precome, and the sexy way he was moaning—overly loud, like he did everything.
He took him deep, because that was something Troy was good at. Hockey and deep throating, his top two skills.
“Wow. Holy. Troy, that’s—wow.”
Troy hummed in response, and removed one of his hands from Harris’s thighs so he could squeeze and caress his balls. He loved the way Harris was writhing on the bed, already out of his mind. He deserved to feel this good. Troy wanted to give him everything he deserved.
With that goal in mind, Troy trailed his fingers down to Harris’s hole and began to lightly stroke and circle it. He slid his lips up to the head of Harris’s cock, suckling and teasing out more precome.
“Shit,” Harris rasped. “You gotta stop.”
Troy released him, and stilled his fingers. “Need a break?”
“If you don’t want me to come already, yeah.”
“Maybe I do. Maybe I’ve got a few rounds in me.”
“You played a game tonight. There’s no way you do.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Harris just laughed, which Troy deserved. He knew he was probably going to fall asleep as soon as he came. Harris would be lucky if Troy didn’t crash out on top of him.
“Here...” Harris reached into his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube. “I think it’s safe to touch me again.”
Troy took his time opening Harris up. He liked doing this and, again, it had been a while since he’d had the opportunity. He and Adrian didn’t have set roles in the bedroom; they’d both been figuring out what they liked with each other. Troy preferred topping, and he hoped he was experienced enough to make this good for Harris. It was intimidating being with someone new when he’d only ever been with Adrian before. What if they had done everything wrong?
“God, that’s so good, Troy. So fucking good.” Harris moaned as Troy slowly penetrated him with three fingers. So maybe Troy was doing this right.
Harris’s dick was so cute. Troy wasn’t sure how to express that without sounding weird, so he kept it to himself. Troy’s own dick was decent looking, long and lean with, he thought, a good shape to it. Harris’s dick was chubby and a little shorter than Troy’s, and had a single freckle on the head that Troy was already obsessed with.
“Buddy,” Harris gritted out. “Gonna need you to fuck me now.”
Troy stroked his index finger over Harris’s prostate, making Harris jolt and moan. “Condoms?”
“Drawer. With the lube. Fuck. Hurry.”
Troy grinned as he withdrew his fingers. His own dick had barely been touched yet, and that was probably for the best. He already felt like he might come as soon as he entered Harris, and that would be tragic.
He got the condom on while Harris watched him with glazed eyes.
“You want it hard?” Troy asked, making sure.
“Hard as you’ve got. I can take it.”
Troy sucked in a breath. “Roll over. I’m gonna break the fucking bed fucking you.”
Harris flipped over so quickly it almost made Troy laugh, but he was trying to be intimidating here. Or at least macho and sexy. He knelt behind Harris, gripping his ass cheeks with both hands and digging his fingers in. Harris’s back bowed, lifting his ass in invitation.
Impulsively, Troy lowered his head and sank his teeth into the left cheek. He enjoyed the surprised gasp Harris let out. “Troy. Please.”
Troy lined himself up, took a slow, steadying breath, then carefully pushed in. Harris might want it hard, but Troy was going to make sure he didn’t hurt him.
“Good?” he asked when he was fully inside. He was breathing hard, as if he’d just finished a long shift on the ice, trying to stay in control.