Page 89 of Role Model

“You’re killing me, pal,” Harris said. “I said I liked it rough, not that I like torture.”

Troy bit back a smile, then took firm hold of Harris’s hips and gave him what he wanted.

Troy pounded into him, as hard as he could while Harris made loud, encouraging sounds. Troy enjoyed exercise and working out, but even if he hated it, the daily hours of work he put into his body would all be worth it for this moment. He loved being strong and having the stamina to fuck Harris like this.

“Ah,” Harris panted. “Fuck, Troy. Don’t stop.”

He wouldn’t. Not until Harris had had enough. He slid his hands onto Harris’s back, and Harris’s arms gave out, dropping him to the mattress. Troy followed, bringing his body low over Harris’s, holding him down with a firm hand splayed between his shoulder blades as he jackhammered into him.

“Yes,” Harris gasped. “Love that. Holy shit.”

Troy kept it up, losing himself in the bliss of fucking someone. Of fucking Harris. He wanted to do it forever, except he was getting close to his own orgasm, and didn’t want to come first.

“You,” he gritted out. “Want you to—”

He lifted his palm and stared in amazement at the angry red patch he’d left on Harris’s skin, then wrapped an arm around Harris’s chest and roughly hauled him up. He pulled Harris back so he was seated in Troy’s lap, back to chest. “Stroke yourself,” he growled into Harris’s ear. “Need to see you come.”

Troy thrust up into him while Harris jerked himself frantically. It was becoming a struggle to keep up the pace Harris wanted because Troy was about to explode inside him. He needed Harris to come. Now.

“Come on,” he panted. “I’m so fucking close, Harris. Fuck.”

“Me too. Keep going.”

Troy wasn’t sure what came over him, but suddenly he was biting into the flesh between Harris’s neck and shoulder like a fucking dog. It was a strange impulse, but it seemed to do it for Harris because he cried out and shot his load all over his furry stomach.

“Holy shit, Harris. I’m coming. I’m—” Troy couldn’t speak. His orgasm ripped through him in a blinding, wonderful blaze as Harris’s ass gripped him tight.

When he could think again, Troy realized he was peppering Harris’s shoulder with gentle kisses, as if apologizing for going feral on him. Harris was breathing heavily, his chest heaving against Troy’s arm.

“That was perfect,” Harris wheezed. “That was—holy god. I’ve never—”

Troy kept kissing him. He couldn’t stop. Anywhere he could reach: shoulders, neck, back, hair.

“Thank you,” Harris sighed. “I needed that.”

“I needed it too.”

He carefully released Harris and pulled out. Harris collapsed on the bed, sprawled on his back, and grinned lazily up at Troy.

“Jesus,” Troy huffed. “You look annihilated.”

“There’s nothing left of me.” Harris spread his arms out on the mattress. “They’ll need to hire a new social media manager.”

“Gonna be awkward explaining why.”

“Mm.” He closed his eyes, which meant he couldn’t see the way Troy was smiling helplessly at him. Harris’s hair was a mess, his skin flushed and glistening with sweat, and his face was relaxed and content, like Troy had given him exactly what he’d needed.

“Don’t fall asleep yet. Where’s your bathroom?”

Harris waved a hand in the direction of the door without opening his eyes. “Out there.”

Troy snorted and removed the condom. “I’ll be right back.”


When Troy returned from the bathroom, he cleaned Harris with a facecloth he’d found. “Are you okay?”

“I’m amazing,” Harris said. “Probably won’t ride a horse tomorrow, but...”