“I told you.”
Gabby walked out of the changing room, with the associate right behind her, holding a silver garment bag.
“Told her what?” Gabby asked.
“I told Noel she should just let us use her parents’ cabin for your bachelorette party and hire one of those mobile spas for the next morning.” Amber sighed dramatically. “But she won’t go for it.”
Gabby shrugged. “I’m fine with just going to the bar to see the…” She glanced over at the attendants and lowered her voice, “entertainers and then going home.”
Amber scoffed. “Really? You don’t want to hang out with us girls and talk about the…entertainers over a couple cocktails?” Amber clucked her tongue, slipping her arm through Gabby’s. “And wouldn’t it be relaxing to sleep in the day after? Have a delicious brunch and then be pampered for hours?”
“Well, I mean…” Gabby glanced between Amber and Noel. “That does sound nice.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Noel said, praying like hell she could come through for Gabby. “I will find us a kick-ass place to go after the bar. I will get you that mobile spa and everything will be exactly how you want it.”
“Don’t forget brunch,” Amber sang.
Noel smiled, baring her teeth at Amber. “Of course not, complete with mimosas.”
Gabby jumped up and down like a kid. “Eeeek, I am so excited! Drew and his friends are going to Sun Valley to ‘snowboard.’ He won’t be back until Sunday night, so this will be perfect!”
“He’s okay with our stripper plan?” Noel asked.
“Oh, absolutely. That’s why I used the air quotes. His best man already told me they’re getting some in-room entertainment, but I trust Drew and he trusts me.”
Amber piped in with a huff. “Besides, Noel, he isn’t her daddy. He’s her fiancé until he puts a ring on it and even then, he will not own her.”
“It’s not about owning,” Gabby jumped in. “It’s about mutual respect, which we have and Noel knows that. She’s been Drew’s champion before I even knew I was interested.”
“That’s sweet.” Turning her attention away from Noel, Amber held up the red dress with a little dance. “Gabs, I found the one! Are you getting this or do you want me to—”
“Oh, no, I offered.” Gabby took the dress from Amber and pulled her card out of her purse, passing it to the cashier. “This will be stunning on you.”
“I know, right?”
Noel bit her lip. She had no idea how much money Amber brought in working at the spa, but Noel had a hard time believing she couldn’t at least chip in for her own dress. Amber still lived at home and Gabby let slip once that her parents didn’t make her pay rent. Noel promised to try to get along with Amber, but it rankled Noel that Amber took Gabby up on the offer to pay for her bridesmaid’s dress. However, Gabby was a grown woman. If she wanted to buy Amber’s dress, then Noel would mind her business. Reluctantly.
“Just give me a few more minutes. I want to look at the tiaras and shoes.”
“Hurry up, sweets. I am starving.” Once Gabby retreated to the other side of the room, Amber’s blue eyes took on an evil gleam. “Oh, Noel, I heard there might be an open apartment in your complex. Maybe you could put in a good word for me?”
When hell freezes over.
“I think Nick already put down his deposit.”
“Oh, really? You weren’t ready to let him move in with you?”
What the hell happened? Amber’s text made her think they were going to let bygones be, but here she was, poking Noel about Nick once more.
“Nick’s been living with a bunch of men for eight years, Amber. Pretty sure he wanted his own space.”
Amber tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Really? Because he talked about a future with me after our third date.”
“And look how that turned out.”
“Maybe he’s just not that into you.”
They were practically nose to nose now. “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”