Amber’s expression sucked in like she’d just swallowed a lemon. “Maybe you should concentrate on getting Gabby’s bachelorette party set up and less on my ex?”
“I thought you were all too eager to help with that?”
“You’re the MOH. I’m sure you can handle it.”
Noel didn’t have much experience dealing with jealous ex-girlfriends, since most of her past consisted of short-term casual encounters. Still, Amber’s animosity for her, all over a guy Amber had been quick to drop two weeks ago, seemed out of control.
“What happened to working together on this wedding for Gabby’s sake?”
“What can I say, Noel? I guess you don’t always get what you want.”
What in the heck did that even mean?
Eleanor came through the door with a tray of lattes, cutting off their tense exchange. “I got the goods.”
Gabby darted towards her mother. “Oh, a pick-me-up.”
Gabby and Amber took theirs first, while Noel hung back. When Eleanor held the last cup out to her, Noel accepted it and the cardboard tray. “I’ll toss this for you.”
“Thank you, dear. So, what did we find?”
Gabby and Amber started talking at once, showing Eleanor the red dress, while Noel hung back with her latte and bag. Despite Amber clearly hurting Gabby’s feelings earlier, she’d easily forgiven Amber. Noel knew it was just Gabby’s nature to let things roll off her back, but Noel couldn’t understand Amber. She seemed to genuinely care for Gabby one minute and then chipping away at her confidence the next. It was like Amber Jekyll and Bitch Hyde.
Once they hit the sidewalk, Amber started talking excitedly. “Oh, I forgot to tell you! I got Vienna to close the salon on Christmas Eve and all of the stylists are going to come do hair and make-up for you and your wedding party. Isn’t that great?”
“Oh my,” Eleanor said.
Gabby grabbed her arm. “Shut up! How did you swing that?”
“It’s no big deal, Vienna was going to have short hours anyway. You said you were looking for someone who could come to your house and do it, and I came through.”
“You sure did.”
Noel watched the two of them hug, hopping up and down together, and a knot of jealousy formed in her stomach. She didn’t begrudge Gabby having other friends. She had Nick and the guys. The difference was Gabby, well, being the only girlfriend she hung with, who knew her almost as well as Nick, was special and it felt like she was slowly slipping away.
“Noel?” Eleanor prodded.
“Yes, sorry.”
Gabby slipped her arm around her waist. “You seem out of it today. Everything all right?”
“I think I’m tired, is all. This night shift is really messing with my sleep regimen.”
“You should go nap. You’ve got Nick’s birthday dinner, right?” Gabby bumped her hip against her. “Did you get him something nice?”
“I think he’ll appreciate it.”
“What’s this?” Eleanor’s brow furrowed. “Are you seeing Nicholas Winters?”
“She is,” Amber said dryly. “They are absolutely adorable together.”
Amber’s obvious sarcasm was hard to miss and a tense silence stretched across the group. Noel broke it by clearing her throat. “I think I’ll take Gabby’s advice and go get a few hours’ sleep.” Noel gave first Gabby and then Eleanor a hug. “Thank you so much for the latte and lunch, Mrs. Montoya.”
“Good night, dear. Have fun at the party.”
“I will. See you, Amber.”
“I’ll see you later, Noel!” Amber called sweetly.