“Please, nonfat?”

“Of course, dear. Be right back.”

The door shut behind Eleanor, and Amber squealed when she saw Gabby. “You look gorgeous!”

“Thank you,” Gabby beamed.

“Spin, spin.”

Gabby did a little twirl, holding up the skirt of the dress. Noel grinned at the pure joy in Gabby’s eyes.

Suddenly, Gabby stopped, frowning. “What’s wrong?”

Noel’s attention shifted to Amber, who covered her mouth in dismay. Noel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Well, the way it clings to your butt…it makes it look a little…big.”

“It does not!” Noel growled.

Amber rolled her eyes. “Noel, you don’t have any cake, so stay out of it.”

Noel’s hand flew to her rear and Gabby stepped down between them. “Hey, now, stop this. Noel has a great ass, Amber. Apologize.”

Amber pursed her lips. “Sorry, Noel.”

Gabby shook her head, her mouth set in a grim line. “This is my wedding and I want you both to be a part of it. Get along or I’ll cut you.”

“Sorry, Gabs.” Noel shot Amber a dark look. “But I disagree with Amber. You have amazing curves and that dress only accents them. Beautifully. Your mom and I wouldn’t lie to you.”

“But I would?” Amber snapped.

Noel grit her teeth. “I didn’t say that.”

“It was implied.”

“Cheese and crackers, enough! I am going to get changed and as much as I appreciate your input, Amber, it’s a done deal. My mom already bought the dress.”

Amber shrugged. “Then it’s settled. It is a beautiful dress. You know I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I was just trying to be a good friend.”

Amber gave Gabby a hug, which Noel noticed Gabby returned weakly. If Noel hadn’t promised to behave, she’d have kicked Amber right in her big old booty for making Gabby feel insecure about her wedding dress.

When Gabby disappeared into the dressing room, Amber turned her attention to the bag in Noel’s hand. “What did you get?”

“My dress. I’m wearing green. You’re wearing red.”

“Oh good. Green makes me look yellow. Red is fire. Totally sexy.”

Of course Amber’s main concern would be how she looked.

“Well there is a whole rack over there. Gabby said we can pick whatever style we want, so go nuts.”

“Perfect.” Amber sashayed over to the rack of red dresses that had been pulled for their perusal. She picked a red chiffon strapless and checked the tag. “Oh, this is the one.”

“Great, do you want to try it on?” The sales associate behind the counter asked.

“No need. It’s my size.” Amber laid the dress over the cashier’s counter and faced off with Noel, a wicked gleam in her eyes. “So, did you find a location for the bachelorette after-party?”

“Actually, I’m still looking. You were right. There isn’t a lot out there for that date.”