“Sorry if I woke you. I just got off work. Last week on the graveyard shift.” She lifted her arms like she was about to take flight. “And these are your favors.”

“Wow, all of them? Gabby said you guys didn’t finish because of the…” Drew tapped the bridge of his nose, lowering his voice. “Nose thing.”

Noel’s face flushed at the reminder of her terrible behavior. “No, we didn’t, but I wanted to make it up to Gabby, so I worked on them yesterday. With the help of the Winterses.” Noel cleared her throat. “Could I set these down? They’re heavy.”

“Oh yeah, sorry, my manners are nonexistent before my first cup of coffee.” Drew took some off her hands, leading her into the house and through the dining room. “We can put them on the kitchen counter.” Drew dropped them on the white tile surface and tapped under his eye. “How’s your wound, by the way? Digging the eye patch.”

“Still hurts, but the doctor said it should heal in a week. Just need to keep using my drops and changing the bandage.”

“That’s good. Glad it wasn’t worse.”

Noel set the bags down where he said, trying to massage feeling back into her hands. “So, is Gabby still asleep?”

“Let me go see. Just hang tight.”



“Her nose. Was it broken?”

“Yeah, but it was a clean break, so the doctor was able to set it. Said it should heal really fast.” Drew walked over and squeezed her shoulder. “I know Amber started it and that you didn’t mean for her to get hurt. Believe me, I wonder what in the heck Gabby sees in that girl, but you are her best friend. She’ll forgive you.”

“Thanks, Drew. Gabby really got lucky in the fiancé department.”

Drew grinned. “I think so too, but if I’m being honest, I’m pretty lucky myself.” He set his coffee down next to the sink. “I’ll be right back.”

Noel paced the kitchen, waiting for Gabby to come through the doorway with her arms open. Ready to forgive her.

A few moments later, Drew came back, looking grim. “She’s still sleeping, Noel. Can she text you later?”

Noel bit her lip, knowing Drew was lying. Her bestie refused to see her. She’d messed up big time.

Noel coughed, trying to remove the emotional lump in her throat. “Sure, she can text me whenever. Could you…could you please tell her I’m sorry and I love her.”

“I will. I wouldn’t worry too much, okay? In a few days, you two will be laughing about this.”

“Sure,” Noel mumbled. “I’ll show myself out.”

She climbed into her car, tears rolling down one side while the other eye’s gauze covering caught the liquid from her tears. She’d have to change it when she got home.

This wasn’t the first fight she’d experienced with Gabby, but it was the biggest. She knew a lot of childhood friendships didn’t survive adulthood, but she couldn’t lose Gabby. She needed her.

What about Nick? Can you lose him?

Her chest squeezed at the thought. She knew what it meant to love so much and lose everything. But if Amber hadn’t dumped him and they got married, would Noel have lost him anyway? If she kept running scared, afraid to let herself love Nick for real, and to live her life free of fear, would he give up on her and find someone else?

Look at Gabby and Drew. Drew chased Gabby through high school and into college and she’d finally given him a shot. Now, she was head over heels in love and about to get married. Gabby told her life and pain go hand in hand…but if she kept shutting out the good things because she didn’t want to get hurt, then she was exactly what Amber called her.


Nick made her happy. His smile. His laugh. His caring nature. His dorky side.

Noel needed Nick. Right now.

That’s how she found herself an hour later, standing in front of Nick’s apartment holding a bag of pastries and two coffees. She just hoped he was up and not still sleeping.

Noel knocked gently, listening for him. After the third time, Nick pulled open the door in a towel, his wet hair dripping water down his torso.