“You always show up at guys’ apartments at the butt crack of dawn?”

“Only when I’m bearing crullers and coffee.” She held out the goodies, her gaze flicking over him. “Do you always open the door half naked and wet?”

“When I know the girl I’m into is on the other side, then yes I do.” Nick stepped back, nodding her in. “Come on, you’re letting all the cold air in.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry sir.” Noel stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. After hanging up her coat and kicking off her boots, she followed Nick into the kitchen. He caught her off guard when he set down the drinks and pastries to sweep her up onto the counter. He stood between her legs, his arms secured around her waist, dropping fast, firm kisses all over her face and neck.

“Hmmm, I missed you.”

Noel giggled as he found the sensitive spot below her chin. “You just saw me a few hours ago.”

“More like six and it felt longer.” He gave her a hard, hot kiss, his hand coming up to cradle the back of her head. She’d changed into a pair of fleece leggings and a long-sleeved T-shirt, and with her nipples pebbled against the thin cotton, it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Noel looped her arms around his neck, enjoying the attention. The distraction of his touch as he slipped his hand up under her shirt, smoothing against the small of her back. When his fingers kneaded there, she moaned.

“Mmm, you sore?”

“Very. I’m usually on my feet most of the night and even with comfortable shoes, my back aches.”

“Wanna come to the bedroom and we’ll see what I can do about relieving the tension?”

Noel smiled. “Lead the way.”

Nick took her by the hand and helped her down off the counter. The closer they got to the bedroom, the faster Noel’s heart galloped. Some of the boxes from Saturday had disappeared, leaving just a handful stacked against the wall.

“You’ve been busy.”

“Trying, but for some reason it’s easier to pack up for moving than it is to unpack.”

“I believe it,” Noel said.

“Why don’t you take your shirt off and lie down on your stomach?”

Noel’s cheeks burned and she turned her back to him, lifting the blue cotton shirt over her head. She climbed up on the bed, aware that from just the right angle, Nick would be able to see her naked breasts.

“Lie flat, however you’re comfortable.”

Noel tilted her head to the side, watching Nick as he disappeared behind her. She was very much aware that he was naked but for that scrap of terry cloth around his waist.

Nick straddled the backs of her thighs, keeping most of his weight off her. His hands smoothed over her lower back muscles, his fingers working her with firm pressure. She turned to mush as he rubbed his way up her back, squeezing her shoulders and even her arms. She closed her eyes with a moan, on the verge of drooling.

Noel had no idea when she passed out, but she came to a few hours later, curled up under a soft sherpa blanket on Nick’s bed. Still topless. Her leggings untouched.

She checked the clock on Nick’s nightstand. A quarter after one. He’d let her sleep for almost six-and-a-half hours.

Noel stretched as she sat up, looking around the room for her shirt. She found it folded neatly on his dresser. She pulled it on before opening his bedroom door, and padding down the hall to the kitchen.

Nick sat at his computer, headphones in place. She came up alongside him and he glanced up, a wide smile on his face. He pushed back from the table and pulled her against him, his face level with her breasts.

“Hey, you’re awake,” he said, setting his headphones off to the side.

“I am.” Noel straddled his lap, her arms resting around his shoulders. “Your massage totally knocked me out.”

“Good. You seemed tense when you got here this morning. I wanted to make you feel better.”

“You did. I went by Gabby’s after work to drop off the favors.” Noel’s voice weakened, filled with grief. “She wouldn’t even see me.”

Nick cupped her cheek sweetly. “I’m so sorry, Noel. She’ll come around.”