It was all she had to do. Alasdair had taken her in his arms and was kissing her before the door closed behind him. Sophie kissed him back, but this time she didn’t want to just clutch at his shoulders or bury her fingers in his hair. This time she slid her hands up and over his chest, moaning into his mouth as her body responded with pleasure.
Alasdair immediately walked her backward and then turned and pressed her up against her hall table. He broke their kiss then and—pinning her against the table with his hips—leaned back to unsnap and carefully remove the pin she’d put in her sweater. He closed and then dropped it, tugged her sweater off her shoulders to her elbows, then undid the clasp of her front-closing bra and pushed that off her shoulders as well. Alasdair didn’t fully remove either item of clothing, but instead they somehow ended up tangled around her lower arms, so that her hands were trapped behind her back.
Sophie was trying to untangle herself when his hands closed over her breasts and his mouth covered hers. Groaning, she arched into his caressing hands and kissed him back, her hips pushing forward against him as he sent a fire rushing through her body that had her legs weak and trembling.
“I want to touch you too,” Sophie groaned when he finally broke their kiss to trail his mouth across her cheek.
“Later,” Alasdair growled as he nipped at her ear, then he suddenly dropped in front of her, his hands leaving her breasts to clasp her outer legs just above her knees.
Blinking, Sophie peered down to see that he was now kneeling before her. Her breath shallow and fast, she watched as his hands began to slide upward, pushing her skirt before them until her white lace panties came into view. He stopped then to lean forward and press his mouth to the delicate lace, and Sophie cried out and went up on her tiptoes in reaction as he caressed her through the delicate cloth with his lips and tongue. She didn’t even notice when his hands continued pushing her skirt upward. Not until it was bunched around her waist and he slipped his fingers into the top of her panties and began to pull them down until they pooled around her feet.
“Oh God,” Sophie gasped when he caught her by one foot and lifted her leg so that he could press a kiss to her inner thigh. But she lost all ability to form actual words when he continued to lift that leg until it rested over his shoulder and then buried his mouth between her thighs.
A strangled scream ripped from her throat at the first flick of his tongue over her damp flesh and then all Sophie could do was gasp and pant, head back and body straining.
Suckling with his lips and lashing her with his tongue, Alasdair drove her wild, bringing on a fierce frenzy that ended when he pushed his tongue into her, setting off an explosion in her body that brought the world crashing down on her, blanketing her mind with darkness.
Sophie woke up alone on her bed with one of the throws from her living room covering her. Her hands were free now, her bra and sweater gone, but she was still wearing her skirt she saw when she lifted the throw to peer down her body. The skirt was no longer tangled around her waist, but had been tugged back into place, she noted.
Releasing the throw, Sophie let her head drop back on the bed and closed her eyes as she wondered where Alasdair was. He hadn’t left, had he? She worried over that briefly and then groaned as her mind concluded that he likely had. Why would he stick around? He’d given her the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life and she’d fainted like a Victorian miss and left him high and dry. Why would he stick around after that?
“Good. You’re awake.”
Blinking her eyes open, Sophie stared wide-eyed at Alasdair as he entered the room with a tray in hand. He was still fully dressed, minus the leather jacket he’d been wearing earlier, and it was only then that she realized he’d still been wearing even that in the entry while he’d—
“I hope you’re hungry?”
Sophie forced her thoughts away at that question, murmured, “Yes,” and finally moved. She sat up, clasping the top of the throw to her chest, but it hampered her when she then tried to shift up the bed so that she could lean against the headboard. Deciding it was silly to be so concerned about covering up when he’d already seen everything, she quickly gave that up.
Letting the throw drop to pool around her waist, Sophie scooted up the bed to where she wanted to be and then hesitated when she saw that Alasdair had paused halfway across the room and was staring at her.
“Is something wrong?” she asked with uncertainty. “Have you changed your mind? Did you want to eat out in the dining room instead?”
“Nay.” The word was a soft growl with a definite Scottish sound to it. “But ye may be wantin’ to cover that bonnie body o’ yers, lass, do you want to eat. Else I cann’y be promising no’ to ravish ye again instead o’ feed ye.”
Sophie’s eyes widened at both the sexy damned accent and his words. The combination of that and the hunger on his face had a desire rising up within her that could not be satisfied with food. Her gaze dropped to the plates of pizza and appetizers on the tray with two glasses of pop, and then moved back to his face and she briefly struggled with her decision. Alasdair was obviously hungry or he wouldn’t have gone to get the food. Would it be selfish of her to delay their eating?
Her gaze shifted back up to his face. It was his expression that decided the matter for her. Sophie was pretty sure the hunger on his face wasn’t for pizza. So, she didn’t tug the throw up to cover herself. Instead, she tossed it aside and then stood up, unzipped her skirt, and let it drop to the floor. That was all she had to do to be completely naked and it was enough. Alasdair immediately bent to set the tray on the floor, then straightened and began to remove his shirt as he started forward. He didn’t bother to undo the buttons and remove it properly, he simply tugged it open, uncaring of the buttons that popped off with the maneuver.
Sophie’s eyes widened as much at the sight of his beautiful chest as the action itself, which frankly was sexy as hell to her. But then her gaze got caught on the wide expanse of his chest and the shifting of his muscles as he shrugged out of the shirt and let it drop to the floor. Alasdair’s hands moved to his belt and jeans next and she watched with fascination until he stopped in front of her. He’d managed to undo the belt and the button of his jeans by that point, but then gave up on them to reach for her.
Sophie sighed as his hands closed on her hips and went willingly when he drew her against his chest. But when he bent to kiss her, she reached down to help with his zipper, eager to get him naked. However, the minute her hand touched metal, Alasdair suddenly turned her sharply until her back was to him, and then closed his arms around her as he began to nuzzle her neck.
“I want to make love to you,” he growled by her ear.
Sophie shivered in his arms at both the words and the feel of his breath against her ear, and then let her head fall to the side and moaned as he began to kiss her neck, then caught the tender skin between his lips and sucked as he fondled her breasts. Both felt so damned good, and she shifted her hips, rubbing her butt against his groin, then gasped out a cry when one of his hands suddenly left a breast to slide quickly down over her stomach and palm her between the legs. Cupping her there, Alasdair urged her bare bottom more firmly back against the rough cloth of his jeans and she could feel him growing and pushing back through the cloth.
“Condom.” Sophie gasped the only word she could manage as his clever fingers slid between her folds to find and caress the center of her excitement.
“Aye,” he growled, thrusting a finger into her even as he continued to caress her.
“Yes,” she cried, thrusting into the caress.
His second hand gave up her other breast then, and she felt it between them but found it hard to pay it any attention with what his first hand was doing. She did notice, though, when the rough cloth was no longer rubbing against her bottom. Sophie realized he’d done what she’d wanted to and finished undoing and shoving down his jeans. She felt a moment’s regret that he hadn’t allowed her to do it, and then he used both the hand between her legs and the other now across her chest again to urge her back more firmly against him. Her back was now rubbing his chest and her bottom nestling a hardness that felt huge in this position.
Alasdair caressed her on three fronts, the fingers of the one hand between her legs, gliding over slick skin, while the other hand began to move freely between her breasts, giving first one and then the other attention even as he alternated between nuzzling her neck—sucking at the tender flesh there—and nipping at her ear.