With her arms pinned to her sides by his arms around her, all Sophie could do was moan, groan, and writhe in his embrace. But the multipronged assault soon had her moaning in frustration and twisting her head up and back toward his in search of his mouth. He gave it to her, kissing her urgently if only briefly, and then he urged her forward, bending her over the side of the bed.
Sophie had barely rested her arms on the mattress surface when he withdrew his caressing hands. He then caught her by the hips, lifted her, and thrust into her from behind and she cried out, then tried to muffle the sound by biting into the comforter on her bed as he withdrew and thrust in again. Sophie had no idea if he continued to thrust. That was as much of the ride as she could take. Her body shuddered and jerked as pleasure burst over her, lights exploding behind her closed eyes that quickly died out as she sank into unconsciousness again.
The next time Sophie woke up, she was not alone in bed and she wasn’t on her back. Instead, she was lying on her stomach on top of Alasdair in her bed with the sheets and comforter covering them both.
Sophie lay completely still, her mind replaying what had happened, but then she lifted her head and eyed him narrowly. She wasn’t surprised to find him awake and watching her. “Did you at least come this time?”
Alasdair’s eyes widened at her forthright question, and then he grinned. “Of course.”
Sophie relaxed a little at this news, but asked, “Why don’t you want me to touch you?”
Apparently, that question was a little too forthright for him. Alasdair stiffened, his expression freezing briefly before it became shuttered. Finally, he asked, “What makes ye think I don’y want ye to touch me?”
Sophie’s eyebrows rose slightly at the return of his accent. She’d noticed it came and went and wondered why. Before this, it had only shown up at times when she’d thought he was turned on. But she didn’t think he was turned on now. Was stress bringing his accent out? She wondered over that and then gasped in surprise when he suddenly rolled in the bed, putting her on her back and coming down on top of her.
“What are ye thinkin’, lass?” he asked, catching her hands and raising them over her head. Alasdair pressed them to the mattress, holding them there as he used a knee to quickly urge her legs apart. He then settled in the cradle of her thighs and shifted his hips so that his erection rubbed against her core, making its presence known. His head then dropped to her chest, and he caught one nipple between his lips, tugging on it gently once, twice, then a third time before he murmured, “Hmmm?” around her now tight, excited nipple.
Sophie moaned as pleasure coursed through her on a warm, wet wave. She couldn’t believe that her body was capable of it at this point. She’d come twice already. Which might not seem like much in the normal course of events, but these hadn’t been normal orgasms. Sophie had never before had orgasms so powerful that she’d fainted during them.
“Hmmm?” he hummed around her nipple again, sending another wave of heat and need through her.
“I...” Sophie began, but couldn’t seem to remember what he was asking her or even what they’d been talking about. It was hard to think with her body throbbing and burning as it was.
“Sophie love,” he growled, releasing her nipple and raising his head to look at her face. “Use me.”
Her eyes blinked open with confusion at that, and she met his gaze in question.
“Rub yerself on me, or take me into ye and find yer pleasure. I’ll stay completely still. Ye’re in control, love.”
She didn’t point out that with him on top of her, holding her hands over her head as he was, she was hardly in control. Sophie simply drew her legs up, planted her heels in the bed, and lifted and shifted herself, rubbing herself against him now in search of her pleasure. They both groaned as she did, and then she shifted slightly, letting him slide into her and she began to thrust against him, using him as he’d said.
Alasdair stayed as stiff and still as a plank, their gazes locked as she used him. Sophie wanted it to go on forever, but while intercourse alone didn’t normally do it for her, this time was different. Every thrust sent another wave of excitement and pleasure slamming through her, each wave growing larger than the last. Sophie barely managed half a dozen such thrusts before she was riding the waves through an explosion of light and into darkness again.
Alasdair woke up uncomfortable and cold. Frowning, he lifted his head to look around and grimaced when he saw that he was lying slumped in the open door of Sophie’s refrigerator with her unconscious in his lap. It was only then he recalled their last round of loving. They’d come out in search of food and had been retrieving it from the refrigerator when he’d reached past her to grab one of the containers of appetizers. His arm had brushed her nipple, she’d gasped, and he’d bit back his own gasp as excitement and pleasure had rushed through her and echoed through him. Alasdair had then made the foolish mistake of kissing her. Once that happened, they were both lost. The next thing he knew, she was in his arms, her legs around his hips and they were going at it like bunnies right there in the open door of the fridge.
Although, Alasdair thought now, he supposed bunnies would have lasted longer than the half a dozen thrusts he’d managed before they’d both found their pleasure and passed out.
“Idiot,” he muttered to himself, knowing that losing himself like that wasn’t just foolish, but could have been deadly for Sophie if they’d fallen wrong. It was why he’d immediately moved her to the bed after waking up from their first encounter in the entry. He’d woken up that time with a splitting headache and blood on the floor under his head from hitting it as they’d passed out that time.
Alasdair had no idea how bad the head wound had been. It had healed by the time he woke up, so he’d carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed, then quickly gone back to clean up the blood on the floor. Alasdair had followed that up with washing the dried blood out of his hair before preparing the tray of food he’d taken in to her.
Fortunately, Sophie hadn’t been hurt that time, and didn’t appear to be injured now either. He’d apparently taken the brunt of it again, landing on the floor with her on top of him. This time there was no blood to suggest he’d sustained an injury, and no mess to clean up. Still, he wasn’t sure how long Sophie would sleep, so felt it was best to get her to the bedroom quickly. Alasdair didn’t want to risk her waking and starting something up again until he had a soft surface for her to land on.
Sophie didn’t stir when he shifted and lifted her and then got to his feet. Before leaving the kitchen, Alasdair used a foot to push the refrigerator door closed, and then his gaze landed on the oven’s digital clock and he cursed softly when he saw that it was after eleven o’clock. His shift started at midnight. He needed to get moving.
A thump and soft curse woke Sophie. Opening her eyes, she was just in time to see Alasdair bend to pick up something. It wasn’t until he’d set it on her dresser that she recognized the orange-and-white container of her day serum facial cream. Obviously, he’d knocked it over on his way to the door, she realized, when he released it and then walked out of the room, pulling the door closed behind him.
He was wearing his clothes, her mind suddenly pointed out once the door was shut. Including his leather jacket.
Jerking upright in bed, Sophie glanced to the clock on her bedside table. Her eyes widened incredulously when she saw that it was nearly eleven thirty. He had to go to work, she recalled.
Tossing aside the sheet and comforter covering her, she leapt out of bed. Her housecoat was hanging from a hook on the back of her bedroom door. Sophie snatched it as she opened the door and then shrugged her arms into it as she hurried up the hall to the living room. She had no idea why she suddenly felt a need to cover up. Sophie had been naked with the man for hours now. Perhaps it was because he was dressed, she thought as she reached the living room and started across it.
Sophie was barely halfway across the large room when she heard her apartment door close. Cursing, she rushed forward to the entry hall and ran to the door, but when she opened it and looked out, the hall was empty and the door to the stairwell was just closing. Sophie was about to charge after him in the stairwell when she realized that she didn’t have her apartment keys and her door would lock automatically when it closed behind her.
Clucking her tongue with irritation, Sophie turned back into the apartment and hurried into the kitchen where she’d placed her purse on returning home earlier that evening.
Had it only been earlier that evening? It felt like a lifetime had passed since she’d pulled Alasdair into her apartment, but a quick calculation told her that little more than three hours had gone by. It was amazing how much a person’s life could change in that time, Sophie thought as she dug through her purse for her keys. Heck, until yesterday evening she hadn’t even known the man existed.