Page 82 of Leave Me Broken

Janelle squeezes my hand, rolls over, and presses a fat kiss to my lips. Then she grins up at Ash sweetly. “Just kissing my girlfriend goodbye.”

He turns to stone and shoots her a deadly look. “Not funny.”

The rest of us laugh, his reaction makes it even funnier than it was. They are still laughing as they head for the door. “Oh, Coach?” I say.


“Monica has a boyfriend.”

He glances over his shoulder to her and sighs. “Whatever, just get out.”

“Thanks, Pay!” Monica shouts as she sprints from the room. Most likely going to find Patrick.

“No fucking on my bed!” Janelle shouts next before the door slams closed.

Ash stares after the door for a few beats before swinging his head my way. With heated eyes he stares over my body.

I settle into the bed more. “I’m staying up here.”

He grabs the ice from my knee and sets it and the towel wrapped around it on Janelle’s floor. Then he kicks off his shoes and crawls in next to me, wasting no time before he’s crawling up my body and wrapping my good leg around his back. “You want to explain who that boy was downstairs?”

The way he emphasizes boy is comical because it’s like he’s saying it as an insult. “No.”

He rears back. “Excuse me?”

“No, because there’s nothing to tell. He was at the pizza place with some friends when we were the other night.” I shrug. “That’s all.” I don’t know if that’s technically lying, but I’m becoming a good one so might as well use it. It’s not like I’m lying about anything big. I bought him food? That’s pretty innocent, especially considering he looked like he needed it. Ash would have done the same thing.

“He looked at you like—”

I cut him off with a kiss, holding his face close to mine. “I can’t control how people look at me. Only how I look at them. Did I look at him in any way?” I’m confident asking that because I know I didn’t; I don’t have eyes for Hero. Only the two-hundred-and-something-pound man lying on top of me right now.

“Like you two knew each other,” he argues.

I roll my eyes. “Fine. When we were out, he looked hungry so I bought him a meal on my way out. I gave it to him, his friends ditched him, so I offered him a ride with us because it was cold, and you saw how small he is. He said no, and I left. That was all.”

His voice turns to gravel. “So you lied to me.”

I frown now. “No? When?”

“You said you saw him. Not that you chatted.”

“Ashley”—I grab his hard face and force him to look at me—“stop.”

I can tell he wants to say more but something is holding him back. I don’t care what it is, I’ll take it because arguing about Hero is pointless. We aren’t even friends.

Who knew someone else washing your hair could feel so good? Ash stands in front of me, his long fingers sunk deep into my hair, massaging my scalp with some of Janelle’s soap. I love Janelle’s large shower. It’s so big and has so many spa settings. Ash commented about it being good after a long practice and I agreed. We are only using two of the showerheads, never mind the other spa settings it has.

The best part is the bench so I can sit down. Not because I’m sore, I actually feel good, but when I am sitting, my face is eye level with Ash’s dick. His hard dick. Neither of us has attempted anything sexual since getting in the shower but he says he can’t help but get hard when I’m naked. It’s nice being together and not jumping each other’s bones. I wouldn’t say no to sex in the shower, but I’m enjoying my head massage.

“This feels so good,” I groan.

His chuckle is soft and comforting. “I would wash your hair everyday if I could, babygirl.”

“Can that be a part of our wedding vows?” That’s the first time I’ve talked about us getting married, and Ash must realize too because his hands freeze. I lift my chin and look at him with heavy eyes. “What?”

“You’ve thought about marrying me, yes?”

The hope in his eyes is enough to make me want to ask Grandpa to marry us tonight. “I’ve thought about marrying Ash Pearson since I was eight.”