Page 81 of Leave Me Broken

“Lucky for you guys you’ll get a break without her,” Janelle says, probably annoyed it was never her that got a break.

I purse my lips, looking back at Usher. “It will be nice, but I’ve only ever played with you guys. I don’t know anyone on the JV team. What if I hate them all?”

“That would totally suck.” Janelle snorts.

“You will,” Monica deadpans. “But you’ll have Mika and Aubrey with you.”

“What if I don’t make the team,” Mika asks.

“You will,” I assure her.

Janelle replies, “Yeah and if not, Payson can just change Coach’s mind by blowing him in the office.”

We all laugh until our stomachs hurt. Then I smile more because this feels good. I haven’t been to a real sleepover since . . . before I stabbed someone at the last one. Obviously besides my nights with Janelle.

“Remember when boys were simple crushes,” Janelle mutters.

After a long pause we all sigh.

“Now we have to pretend not to date because Payson’s boyfriend is a crazy controlling—”

Someone knocks on Janelle’s door, interrupting me from having to reply, not that I know what I would say anyway, she’s right.

One by one we lift our heads to look at the large wooden door.

“Who is it?” Janelle yells.

“Coach,” Ash barks from the other side.

Mika stiffens next to me, obviously nervous. It makes me want to smile. I forget how intimidating Ash can be when you’re not fucking him.

“We’re naked!” Monica shouts.

“Then get dressed,” he says.

“Just come in!” I tell him because the last thing I want is his loud voice drawing more people up here. It’s been nice with just the four of us.

Ash turns the knob so slowly and opens the door just enough to speak through a mouth-size gap. “Is everyone clothed?”

“Everyone but Payson. She’s naked.” Janelle grins.

The door opens the rest of the way and Ash steps in, frowning.

“You realize the party downstairs is to celebrate our win, yes?” He crosses his large arms.

The four of us trade faces and nod. “Yep.”

“How is your knee?” He trails in, looking down at my leg and the ice I had forgotten about on it.

“Fine. Numb.” I shrug.

“It’s been fifteen minutes.”

That’s it? After lying in bed, I’m not in a party mood, not that I was before but I’m so comfortable now. “Will five more minutes hurt it?”

His jaw clenches as if he doesn’t like the sound of that, Monica must notice because she’s the first to stand. “I think I hear someone calling us.” She nudges Janelle dramatically, not trying to be subtle at all.

Ash moves so Mika can slip from the bed, but I stay in place, ice still on my knee.