Page 63 of Leave Me Broken

He nods vigorously. “Mhm, yes, that one.”

“Funny.” I tuck my tongue in the corner of my mouth and cross my arms. Doing my best not to laugh at my son’s embarrassment. “I didn’t think that came out for another six months.”

“Uh, well, it, uh . . .”

Luca barks out a laugh first. “We are kidding, Parker. That movie is out, I went to see it last week. It was good, you should actually go watch it sometime.”

“What were you really up to?”

Just then the girls’ laughs echo throughout the entire house. Parker’s eyes dilate hearing it, a look much like Payson’s when she looks at me.

“Ah . . . I don’t think it is what was he up to . . . but who.”

“Shh.” Parker shushes his uncle. “Okay, yes, we . . . made out but I promised I would not say anything so silenzioso.”

“Why does she want you to keep it a secret?” I ask.

He shrugs. “She says she is too old for me.”

Again, Luca and I swap looks and a humorous laugh breaks out between us. “She knows you are nearly seventeen, yes?”

Luca snorts. “Yes, notice how your dad is graying and Payson is young and beautiful.” He flicks a heated look at me but it’s gone just as quick.

“I am not fucking graying, stop saying that,” I snap. Luca is a few years younger than me but thinks it’s hilarious I sometimes find a few gray hairs. More so in my beard and since I haven’t shaved, they stand out a bit more.

Payson and Janelle stroll into the room. Janelle walks across the room and sits in the seat farthest from Parker. He frowns, and I glance to Luca who is smiling at them. I adjust my eyes on Payson when she walks my way. She changed while upstairs into tiny blue shorts. I bloody love the way her thighs jiggle with each step. Makes me want to drop to my knees and sink my teeth into the soft flesh.

She stops in front of me, lifts her hand and strokes down my beard and knifes through my hair near my ear. “I like the gray.”

I pull her tight to my body, gripping her ass with one hand and holding her lower back with the other. “And I really like that I can see your little nipples through your shirt,” I whisper only for her to hear. My eyes drop to the tight white top hugging her body, her deep pink nipples just barely visible.

“I really like how I can feel your dick getting hard,” she whispers back.

All the blood rushes from my ears to my hardened dick. “I really like how you thought I was going to let Luca anywhere near your pussy.”

She shivers, whimpers and her hands tighten in my hair.

“I’m not about to watch you two fuck. Bad enough I have to hear it,” Parker grumbles.

Payson pushes away from me and gasps at the same time. “Stop talking about it!” she screeches. “It’s worse that you keep bringing it up!”’

“It was worse hearing it!” he shouts back.

Janelle watches them like she should have a bowl of popcorn in her hand, but I couldn’t be more concerned. I thought they were getting along but it’s almost like they are arguing like . . . siblings.

“Tell me about Parker’s mom, please.”

Payson and I are lying in my bed, she’s between my legs and staring up at me, playing with my chest hair like she always does when it’s exposed. To think there was a time I used to wax it bare would blow her mind. I’m doing my best to ignore how my dick is resting between her perfect tits.

We played a few games on the Wii much to Payson’s and Parker’s dismay. I could not let everyone go to bed after their argument in the kitchen. They seemed better by the end of the night, I think Janelle helped that, but I still don’t enjoy hearing them argue.

Even Janelle stuck around and is sleeping in the spare across from Parker’s room. I pulled Parker aside and told him to be smart. I know I can’t stop him from doing what he’s going to, but if I can help prevent anything we don’t want, like a child, I will. That’s why I gave him a box of condoms from my closet. Not like I’m ever using them again.

“You sure you want to know?”

“Yeah. I think it’s time I stop avoiding things just because I don’t want to think about them. Hearing about a girl that far in your past seems like the easiest. That is, unless you’re about to tell me a story about your one true love like Luca.” Her lip puffs out.

I brush a piece of hair back from her face and around her small ear. “My only true love is you, babygirl.”