Page 113 of Leave Me Broken

“I’m in a bit of a rush.”

“I just have one thing to say.”

I sigh and spin. She walks toward me until she is stopped far too close for comfort. I prepare myself to deny her approach but it never comes. Instead, she crosses her arms over her chest. Now that I’m really looking, she doesn’t look like she’s trying to seduce me, she looks annoyed.

That’s not much better in my opinion.

“You seem very interested in Payson Murphy’s future.”

“Are you not interested in your players’ futures?” I challenge.

“Of course, I am. I’m interested in a coach way. I want to see them thrive in whatever it is they do because I’ve been coaching most of my girls for years. You seem to be interested on a deeper level. You’ve not known this girl more than what, a couple months? You cannot compare our situations.”

I run a hand through my hair.

“Your hair has gotten long and your beard is thicker than I’ve ever seen it. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a beard.”

We dated for a few months; I could have had a beard and she wouldn’t have known because she paid no attention. I didn’t, I only have it now because Payson likes it. I think she likes my hair too because she always plays with it when we are together. I can’t be bothered to take the time to shave or get a hair appointment, Payson requires my undivided attention right now.

“Just get on with it, Val.” I don’t remember her being this annoying back in the day.

“Are you having an intimate relationship with one of your players, Ashley?”

“No.” The lie is like acid on my tongue. “How dare you accuse me of that.”

She purses her lips. “You haven’t looked at my body once.”

“And that automatically means I’m fucking a player?”

She rears back at my harsh word. I couldn’t care less. She’s pissed me off. Not because the accusation—she’s right, obviously, why would I look at her body when I have Payson’s waiting for me . . . somewhere? I’m pissed because of that. I have no clue where she is. Her location isn’t precise enough, so it says the hotel. That narrows nothing down for me.

“You’re not my type anymore. Simple as that.”

Hurt passes through her eyes. There is the Valerie I knew. She was insecure but not in a way like Payson. She craved validation from everyone. Payson craves it from just me. Valerie is the ex I told Payson I invited someone over to fuck in front of her. We broke up shortly after. It was never a great relationship, but her dad was the head of everything and she was around a lot. It was easy. I used to only go for easy. One dramatic to the next. I love Payson, but it’s not easy with her. Not yet anyway, one day it will be.

“I hope you’re telling me the truth, Ashley. I won’t think twice before reporting you for misuse of power.”

I clench my jaw until my molars cry out. “Noted. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

I don’t wait for her reply as I fly up the steps. She’s not in my room like I wanted her to be. I knew there was a fat chance but I was still hopeful. I knocked on her and Janelle’s room for a long time, but no one answered. I was about to break the door down when a groggy Parker strolled out from his room. His room is a suite with ours but since Luca and I will need to be up early and he doesn’t, we let him have his own room so he could sleep in and head to the gym once he’s up.

“Papà,” he groans.

“You better just be tired, Parker.”

He waves a lazy hand my way. “If you are looking for Payson, she’s down at the pool.”


“There’s a party going on.” He wanders back into his room, and I turn back for the stairs. Mad or not, she should not be at a party. None of my girls should be. They are in for a rough two weeks when we get back to Michigan. We are in crunch time for our season and I’m not letting us fail this close to the finish line.

I throw the door to the pool room open, looking for my girls. There are gasps and “oh, shits” from random kids who think I’m here to bust them. I couldn’t give two shits less about them. My team, however, I definitely care about.

It takes me longer than it should to find my team but they are all huddled up in the back corner and not scattered around dancing. My heart swells for a moment before I see a little brunette staring up to me, a passive look on her face. She can pretend to not care all she wants. I saw the look earlier when she saw Valerie’s hands on me.

“Ladies.” My voice booms and the ones who didn’t see me approach, jump.

“We’re just talking.” Emika is the one who blurts it out.