“You shouldn’t be down here.”
“We’re not the only ones doing things we shouldn’t.”
I cross my arms over my chest and level my stare. “Everyone to their rooms. Now. And meet me in the lobby at six a.m.”
“But it doesn’t start till eight,” one of them whines.
I glare at all of them, and they scurry by. Everyone but Payson and Janelle. The two biggest pains in my arse. “You two as well.”
“Tell us about your ex-wife first, then we will go,” Janelle bites out.
My what? “Excuse me?”
Payson is on the verge of tears. It takes everything inside me not to lean down and pull her into me. “Parker told us. Please, please, Ash, don’t do this again.”
Do what again? Parker told them Valerie is my ex-wife? He’s obviously upset about something still and I’ll need to check on that. “I have never been married, Payson, you know this.”
“I don’t know anything about you.” Her eyes fall. She hugs her knees and my heart aches. She trusts me, but not completely. If she did, she would never second-guess me.
“You know everything, babygirl, look at me.”
“Coach.” Janelle twists her lips, looking like she’s about to cry too.
I crouch down to be closer. “Ladies.” I soften my voice. Both lift their watery gazes. Everything Monica said earlier hits me right now. I knew she was right but seeing how upset Janelle is for Payson is both heart warming and infuriating because what they are upset about. “I have never been married. I’m guessing Parker said that knowing it would upset you.”
There’s a few beats where the only noise is whatever is happening in the background.
“Upset with who? Saying that upsets Payson. Why would he be upset with Payson?”
If only I knew. “I’m not sure, but I’ll figure it out.” Payson still isn’t looking at me. I can see the battle in her head whether she should believe me or not. Knowing her, it won’t end in my favor. I’m not having this week ruined because an unimportant ex and a lie. “Jailbird.” I reach to hook her chin with two fingers but stop because of the conversation I just had with Valerie. I won’t ruin Payson’s chance at the future she wants. It doesn’t mean I will like it. I curl my fist and stand. “We can’t talk here but I will tell you everything if you just come with me. I promise on my life, it is not what you are thinking.”
Janelle grabs her best friend’s hand. I shouldn’t be irritated that Payson will look at her and not me, but I am. They stare at each other for a long time before Payson’s shoulders deflate.
I give them space to stand as much as I wish I could pull her into my aching arms now, I can’t. We walk silently for the elevator.
The doors open and much to my dismay, Valerie steps out. Her eyes narrow in on my hand on Payson’s shoulder, then she sees the one on Janelle’s the same way. “Ash.”
“We are heading up.”
Payson’s shoulders tense. I squeeze, reassuring her as best as I can.
She steps to the side, and I have to force the girls to walk past her. I worry about one of them throwing fists, but they don’t. “You must be Payson,” Valerie says with fake sweetness. “And . . . Monica?”
“Janelle,” I correct.
“Ah, yes. Your coach has said quite a lot about you. Both of you.”
“He’s a great coach,” Janelle says with a fake smile. Payson says nothing. I’m not sure she’s even paying attention. Her rapid pulse is beating against my finger.
“And what do you think, Payson? Is Coach Pearson a good coach?”
Seconds pass of Payson just staring at her. A sheen of sweat actually coats my forehead waiting for her.
“Yes.” One simple word but it says a million. Come on, Jailbird.
Sensing Payson’s apprehension, Valerie tilts her head in question. “I’m not going to lie, that surprises me. He wasn’t very assertive like a coach needs to be. Well, besides in the bedroom.” Her laugh is easy and my hands burn to wrap it around her skinny throat and choke her just to stop it. No one else laughs. The elevator falls dead silent, besides the heavy beating of Payson’s heart, but I think I’m the only one that can hear it.
Janelle’s mouth gapes and she looks from Valerie, to me, to Payson while she waits for someone to speak.