Mike turns at the same time, his eyebrows knitting in the middle of his forehead.
“Good luck.” I grin.
He grumbles something before walking over there as they pull apart. Parker’s eyes widen and I can’t help but giggle. Mike shakes his hand before regarding his daughter.
You can see how happy he is to have his daughter moving with him. I think it was a long time coming. Lauren hasn’t stopped crying, but I know she and Brette will go visit often.
Janelle makes her way back in front of me. Our eyes are glassy and at the same time, a tear tracks down both our cheeks. I brush hers away and she brushes mine. “You better answer all my texts and calls.”
“Of course.”
“I’m serious,” she pouts. “None of that reply-days-later stuff.”
“I’ll be waiting by my phone.”
We cling onto each other until Mike says it’s time to go.
Janelle disappears up the stairs and at the very last second, she bends down and shouts, “I love you!”
“We love you!” The rest of us call and I don’t even care that the rest of the airport looks pissed hearing us yell at nine a.m.
Grandpa wanders over to me and cups my face. “Are you going to be okay?”
Why does someone asking if you are okay make you breakdown? More so when it’s your grandpa.
He hugs me while I cry and strokes my back in the most comforting way. “It’s okay to not be okay, Ray-Ray. You’ll see her soon.”
“I know.” But soon isn’t everyday like I’m used to.
A: I miss you.
Me: Imiss you more.
A: Stay with me tonight.
Me: You know Ican’t.
A: I hate Janelle for moving.
Me: I’m telling her you said that.
A: That’s fine.
Me: I’ll see you soon, okay?
A: No. That’s not okay.
Me: Want me to send another photo?
A: . . . I’ll never say no to that, but you shouldn’t. It’s not safe.
Me: I’ll figure something out. But I have to go to class. I’ll call you later!
One thing I didn’t consider with Janelle not being around anymore is not having an alibi when I want to stay at Ash’s. It’s been two weeks since we have done anything, and the only time we have seen each other is at church. Yeah, I don’t know how I convinced Ash Pearson to come to church, but he does. He figured that was the only way he could be around me, and after Grandpa invited him over after that first service and we spent the afternoon together, he kept coming back. It’s only been three Sundays since states, but those three Sundays are the only thing getting me through.
I miss Janelle, a lot. Clay and I sit at a quiet table at lunch time, and while I like Clay, he’s not Janelle. Janelle calls me every day during her free period because my free period is the same time as hers. Besides that, we also talk every night for at least an hour but it’s not the same.
“Payson, it’s quarter to,” Mrs. Jennings announces.